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After the Battle of Hogwarts

"That wand's more trouble than it's worth," Harry said to Ron, Hermione and the painting of Dumbledore, they were in the Headmaster's office and Harry had finally gotten his wand back, found a way to repair it. "And quite honestly, I've had enough trouble for a lifetime." Harry didn't want to keep the Elder Wand, he was very much happy with his own wand, thank you very much. He meant it when he said that that wand was too much trouble and all Harry wanted from now on was peace and quiet. No more trouble.

He told his friends he was going to take a walk. He needed it badly. A nice calm walk, to take it all in. Everything was over – finally. But there had been so much trouble, and they had been so close to losing and being condemned to a lifetime of suffering, that even the idea of everything being over was a huge one, and needed digesting.

Harry went by himself. He'd meet his friends later. When Harry stepped through the huge front doors of the castle, however, he saw someone whose company seemed fit.

They stared at each other for some moments. Draco wondered what he should say, if he should say anything. How would Harry take whatever he said. He wouldn't listen, would he? He wouldn't want to hear it. Would he?

Harry thought of what he should say. He did have to say something, right? He had to. But would Draco want to hear it? Would he even give Harry the benefit of the doubt?

"Hey, um..." Harry began. He didn't know what he wanted to say, to be honest. "Er... I would like you to meet me. One more time," he said. "To talk," he added.

"Okay," said Draco, who was sitting on the steps there were in front of the castle doors and was startled to see Harry stepping out. "Anytime," he added and felt stupid for it. That took Harry a bit in surprise. He was expecting some backlash. He decided to seize the opportunity, he didn't want to wait anymore. He remembered the thought he had up in the Headmaster's office – he wanted only peace and quiet from then on. That meant he had to solve every little thing that was pendent.

"Actually, I'm going for a walk now. Would you like to come?"

"N-Now?" Draco stuttered. "People might see us..."

Harry looked around, then shrugged. "It's okay, they can see us." Harry was speaking in the most gentle and also casual way he could manage to, he felt guilty for the way he had treated Draco before and wanted to make sure that Draco would feel okay with his company now and that he'd know Harry wasn't up for a fight or anything. "I mean, if that's okay with you..."

"Sure," Draco said maybe a little too eagerly.

They walked toward the lake, none of them said a word the whole way to the margin of the lake.

"Here," Draco said pointing to a spot where the tree roots left enough space for two people to sit. They sat there and looked at the calm surface of the water reflecting the treetops around it and the sky above.

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but saw that Draco did the same at the same time. Harry nodded to Draco signaling that he could go first.

"No, you go first. You called me, after all," Draco said.

Harry let a small laugh out. "I... wanted to say sorry. For the way I... treated you," he finished the sentence almost like it was a question. "I mean, I guess the way I acted overall wasn't very okay." Damn, it was hard to admit this to Draco, way harder than it had been to talk about it with Ron or Hermione.

Draco laughed a little and nodded. "Yeah, I guess."

Ouch. Harry knew of course that was true, but in these situation you always kind of expect the other person to tell you it's alright and that you don't need to worry. But Draco really had been hurt Harry.

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