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Alexandra had already changed into a simple black dress with a lace layer by the time I got out of the bath. After she let me see her Mark she got dressed and left the room. I was left alone in the bathroom and tried to finish up as quickly as possible but the warm water was so welcoming and comfortable it took longer than I should have. I wrapped the towel around myself as she walked back in.

“Lunch is ready, I asked them to bring some servings into the dining room for us and your brother and his family.” She didn’t look me in the eyes. “You can change back into your clothes or I can give you something to wear.”

“Can you give me something to wear? I think my shirt has vomit on it,” I said.

“Of course.” She shut the door behind her. 

I didn’t make her mad did I? I shook my head, it was probably just in my head. I finished drying myself off just as she walked back into the room she placed the dark red dress and a long cardigan on the counter. Alexandra flashed me a weak smile as she left the room. I got on the dress, It was floor length and hugged my chest and waist. The cardigan wasn’t nearly as long and it was made of a wool knit. It was soft and savored the feeling of it and the smell of Alexandra on it.

I opened the door, she was sitting on the bed leafing through a thick book. “Are you ready?” I asked.

She put the book down and stood up. “Let’s go.” She grabbed my waist and pulled me into her. I wrapped my arms around her and she planted a kiss on the top of my head before letting me go.

We walked down to the dinning hall hand in hand. The hallways felt cold like there was a draft in this part of the mansion. Alexandra’s wing was the largest with eight guest bedrooms and the library. The dining hall connected her wing and the East Wing. Alexandra squeezed my hand and I squeezed her hand back as she opened the door.

Joshua was sitting across from Soran. She was wearing a green button-up shirt and her blonde hair was tied into a bun. She had an array of freckles across her face. Her ears stuck out and had piercings up to the points of her ears. Soran was an elf. On her lap there was. . .

“A baby!”

Joshua turned towards us and smiled. “Jay!”

Soran stood up, holding the bundle of blankets and the wide-eyed baby hiding in them. “It’s great to see you again Jayen! You must Lady Dupon! You have a wonderful home.”

“Jayen come over here, meet Emi.” Joshua walked over to Soran putting a hand on her shoulder. 

I left Alexandra’s side and walked over to them. The last time I saw them Soran wasn’t pregnant and they didn’t have a kid. It stung to think Joshua hadn’t told me about Emi.

The blankets hid part of the baby’s face and I moved it away. Emi made a sound like ringing silver bells. “She’s. . .”

“We don’t know what she is,” Joshua said, “We found her on our front doorstep a few weeks ago.”

Emi had a black tuff of hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin was smooth and soft. It was so pale that I had initially thought it was translucent. Emi grinned a toothless smile at me and I smiled back.

“Why didn’t you write me?” I frowned.

“I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to,” Joshua said softly. “Can we talk about this later?”

Alexandra cleared her throat. “Shall we sit down now? Kuna’s on their way with lunch.”

Joshua pulled out a chair for Soran and sat down next to her on Alexandra’s left. I sat on her right, directly across from Joshua. Kuna pushed open the door with their back, they were holding several trays of fruit, breads, and a bottle of. . . wine, maybe? Kuna set the trays on the table and stood behind me, leaning on the back of my chair.

“Is there anything else?” Kuna pat my shoulder and grinned at me.

“No, thank you, Kuna.” Alexandra poured a glass of the deep red liquid in my cup. “Kin, anyone?”

Joshua held out his cup and Soran shook her head. Alexandra filled his cup and her own before taking a sip. This Kin tasted different then what I normally drink. This one tasted like cherry, coffee, and something a little acidic, a weird mix that actually tasted pretty good.

“So. . . Courting. . .” Joshua said awkwardly. “Any plans?”

Alexandra grabbed my hand under the table. “None, yet. Things are still. . . rocky out there.”

I nodded along with her and tuned out their conversation. It’s not that I didn’t care I just couldn’t get the nightmare out of my head. I used to have that nightmare almost every night. . . it was more of a memory or a flashback then a dream.

He had tried to kill me.

He had me left for dead.

How did I get home? Did I get home? It had been so long I could no longer remember what happened directly afterwards. . .

“Jayen?” Soran’s voice ripped me from my thoughts. She was looking at me expectantly.

“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” I asked.

Soran smiled softly. “Are you okay, dear? You’re looking a little pale.”

“Yes I-”

The door slammed open and Maj ran in, her face dark with effort and panic etched on her face. “My lady!”

“Yes, Maj what is it?” Alexandra stood up.

“Emperor’s Guard Soldiers are on their way!”

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now