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We rode in silence for the rest of the way. It felt like we were in the carriage for an hour when in reality it was only fifteen minutes. She kept her gaze on me the entire time and I stared out the window, ignoring the tightness in my chest and the butterflies starting in my stomach. Was I supposed to get out first? Do I help her out? 

The carriage slowed down then gradually stopped. Four knocks came from the other side of the wall. Do I get out now? I looked over at the lady and she nodded. I took a deep breath and opened the door and climbed out, careful with the steps. I used my leg to hold the door open by leaning against it and held my hand out. The lady stepped out, taking my hand but she clearly did not need it. Her movements were quick and deliberate.

Jinan jumped down. “I will wait here for you both.” I ignored him completely.

“Thank you, Jinan.” Her voice was softer than I’ve ever heard it before. I suppose that wasn’t saying much though. 

I straightened up and clasped my hands in front of me. “Are you ready my lady?” I just wanted to get away from him and her soft voice that made me feel like I was in a forest. In a good way.

“Do not rush me. You follow me when I’m ready, I do not follow you.” She turned to me, her posture stiff and her voice cold.

“I’m sorry-” 

“Let’s go.” She walked right past me and I followed her, like a stupid little puppy.

I’m supposed to keep quiet and lead her through the Town. I did just that. The Town was busier then it was last time but it was still empty especially compared to months ago. We got strange looks from the people shopping and the people running the stalls. I was in front now and made my way over to the Mailman. 

The Mailman was just a man standing in the corner of the Town. He had large brown and white wings tucked beside him neatly, as if he were trying to take up less room. He had a bright red bag hanging at his side that he tucked letters and packages into. He wore no uniform, he just wore a pair of black pants and his bare feathered chest.. Nobody knew his real name, he didn’t talk except for an occasional hello or goodbye. 

“Hello, Mailman.” I waved at him. “She has a letter for you.” I stepped aside for Lady Dupon.

The Mailman stayed quiet but gave me a nod. 

“Hand me the letter.”


“Hand me the letter, I’ll give it to him for you.”

She reached into her pocket and handed it to me. It looked just like the envelope that was sitting on my dresser. 

The Mailman did not have arms, his winds grew in place of them, like a bird. I showed him the letter and he moved his wing aside, letting me place the letter into his bag.

“Thank you.” I nodded at him and started to walk away with the lady.

“Jayen. . . We’ve missed you here.” 

I turned around but he was looking away from me already. Like a statue. I wasn’t expecting his voice to be so deep and smooth. I nodded at him and kept walking. Next we find Goon’s stall. He sold across the Town on the East side.

“What is he?” Lady Dupon asked eventually. We were taking the back streets to avoid the mild crowds. The Town had no homes. Just stalls, open shops, and abandoned shops.

“He’s Avian, but it’s rude to ask.” I shrugged. “He’s very kind though.”

“I wouldn’t have guessed. . .”

“Don’t let the feathers and beak through you off.” I smiled.

She shook her head. “I’ve never seen an Avian, I’ve just heard about them.”

“Wait till you see Goon.” Goon was an Ember. His skin was made of fire but it’s not like he was made of fire. He could control the temperature of his body and could set it on fire if he had the energy. He called them Flares though. His skin below the elbow and below the knee looked like molten magma.


“He’s the potion maker. He’s just a few blocks that way.” I pointed East.

“Then hurry up. I do not have all day to spend in this Town hearing about your friends. You still have a lot of work to do in the garden.”

And there goes our sorta friendly conversation.

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now