Chapter 5- Dinner

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After I had showered ALONE! I headed downstairs to figure out what was for dinner. To my surprise Matthew was standing at the stove cooking something for dinner. I could feel my mouth salivating at the mere smell of the food. "Hey babe" "I'll let that one slide because that smells amazing. Whatcha making?" "I am making an Italian dish I learned from my mom." "Well, hopefully it smells as good as it tastes." "Oh trust me it does." I rolled my eyes at that and sat down on the stool at the bar counter behind him. About ten minutes later everything was done and put onto plates for us to eat. Matthew sat the plate in front of me with a drink and then sat down next to me. As I took the first bite I couldn't help but let out a small moan at how amazing it was. "You like?" "Holy shit that's amazing!" I couldn't help but go for seconds. After we had finished I went and washed my dishes while Matthew started to put everything in containers. If I was being honest with myself I kinda liked the feeling I got being in a kitchen working so well with Matthew. As I headed into the room I started to shut the door but of course it was stopped by Matthew's hand. "My house, my rules, you sleep in the same room as me no buts about it." "Just stay on your side of the bed." He let out a light chuckle and walked to a door that I had yet to notice. He yelled out to me to come here. As I walked through the door I found an amazing closet with all of my things. " I had them bring all of your things in our closet and added some more things that would work if we needed to go to an event or something. I uh hope it works for you." " when...I didn't even notice this closet when did you have this done?" " Today and some last night." " well um thank you" "you're welcome I'm just going to grab some clothes then I'll leave you to it." He grabbed a pair of shorts and boxers leaving to head towards the bathroom. As I looked around I was in awe of all of the clothes, shoes, and even jewelry. I grabbed a t shirt and some pajama shorts. I quickly changed into them and headed back towards the bed. As I reached the bed the bathroom door opened and out can Matthew. "You look hot in my shirt." "I didn't know it was yours I uh I'm sorry." "It's alright as of now what's mine is yours." I couldn't help but blush that I had never had anyone allow me to truly be theirs so it was a nice surprise. As I climbed into bed Matthew came around and got in on his side. It didn't take me long to fall asleep.

Hope you like it so far chapter 6 probably won't be out for a little but I'm going to try really hard to get it published! Again thank you for reading and if you gave feedback thank you for that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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