Chapter 2- Leaving

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As Matthew stepped through the door he had the most annoying smirk plastered on his face knowing I was his. But when I made eye contact with him I could almost see some remorse in his eyes knowing he was taking me away from my family and everything I had ever known. I couldn't lie as much as I didn't want to marry Matthew, I had to admit to myself that he was extremely good looking. As much as I hated it I knew I had no choice but to go with him. I was terrified of what he might do to me or even my brothers if I chose to run. As I got to my room I grabbed my suitcases and started to pack everything I might need or want. I heard a knock on the door and yelled, "come in" expecting to see my brothers or even my mother. But to my surprise it was none other than Matthew. He stood there for a moment saying nothing until he finally muttered, "I'm sorry it's happening this way but I thought maybe I could help pack. And if you forget anything I can always send someone to bring it to our home." "OUR HOME! Are you serious right now? You expect me to just go with you and just be so happy enough saying I love you and our home." "NO! But I thought you wouldn't have this much of an attitude when I was just trying to be nice for once. Screw being nice and screw you. You only have an hour now to pack fast, princess." As he started to walk out I couldn't help myself. I just snapped and sort of threw my hairbrush at him. He snapped around and caught it before it hit him. "Nice try princess." I whispered to myself "hot" but of course my luck he heard it and turned back around to leave shouting out "thanks." I smacked myself knowing he had heard me. I mean I could practically hear the smirk he had on his face as he walked away from my room. My hour had now passed and I was all ready to leave. Matthew had some of his men come grab all of my things. As I walked down the stairs I hugged my brothers and mother goodbye. I didn't look at my father, I just kept walking straight toward the open door. As I reached the door Matthew had put his arm around me saying "hey babe ready to go." I scuffed not saying anything and just kept walking. Reaching the SUV Matthew opened the door allowing me to get into the passenger seat. He shut the door and walked around to the driver seat, getting in and starting the car. As he pulled away from the house I'd always known I watched from through the window as I knew I'd never be back. 

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