The Hero's that start with D

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???: he abandoned us and ran away

Yuya: it isn't true my father would never betray people, Yuto did you know about this that my father came to heartland

Yuto: No I didn't...You lie back then you father's words so you must have met my father

Yuto: No, I didn't Lulu said that...before the Academy took her...Think back Sayaka may have exposed her to your father's teachings since Sayaka were taught be Yusho and that's how you know my father's words yes the words that Lulu taught me

Yuya: Can I talk to you this way because we're in the Xyz dimension?

Yuto: When you were fighting the academy soldier Barett I heard a voice from the depths of my heart at the time that all of the four dragons were together like they wanted to become one

Yuya: Yeah it was uncomfortable like my mind and body were being taken over by something

Yuto: Could that be the reason we can talk and Dark Rebellion could also be the reason I'm within you, in the first place

Yuya: what do you mean?

???: What are you two doing here?

Y/n: We're searching for her father

Yuya: Y/n!, when were you here?

??? person jumps down

???: You were separated? What's your father's name I might know them

Yuya: Anyway, who are you?

???: Who is your father?

Yuya: My father's Yusho Sakaki-

???: What? Sakaki...You're his daughter

Yuya: you know my father.

???: yes, I could never forget him...This is a good chance if you are his daughter I shall use you as bait to lure him out

Y/n: Over my dead body

???: Two for the price of one

Y/n: You're with the academy

Yuya: You fought my father? When? Where?

???: None of your business

Yuya: tell me what happened to him?

???: Stop Stalling Your boyfriend and I have to duel

Computer: Field Spell Crossover

Y/n: I'll find out what happened...I go first I summon Odd-Eyes heavy dragon

Odd-Eyes Heavy Dragon Atk 800 Def 800 Lvl 3

Y/n: When it's successfully summoned I can summon one Odd-eyes from my hand appear Odd-Eyes Light Dragon Atk 800 Def 800 Lvl 3

Y/n: then I activate Flip hippo's to switch them both to defence mode and I end my turn with a facedown

Y/n(Xyz): Time to see what he's got up his sleeves

???: I'll end you quickly as you stand in my way from his daughter, I draw I summon Destiny Hero-Drilldark on a turn when I summon a D-Hero I can activate D-pressure and special summon one D-hero with equal or different attack points appear another Drilldark and when Drilldark attacks a monster in defence position it deals piercing damage

Y/n Lp 4000 – 800 = 3200

???: Now the other

Y/n Lp 3200-800=2400

???: I end my turn with two facedowns

Y/n(Xyz): Get your head out of the cloud's stop "communicating" and win this duel

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