All hail the King Jack Atlas

545 9 3

No-one Pov

Zuzu: If you go too fast they'll pursue us!

Yugo: They're not gonna were official Friendship Cup participants-

There are fireworks in the stadium

Yugo: Dammit we're late Y/n!

Y/n: I knew Crow was right

At the stadium

Melissa: Awaiting the friendship cup over 200,000 spectators have packed into the duel palace I'm sure you know me I'm Melissa Claire and I am here to do the announcement of the tournament of the worlds greatest duel tournament Friendship Cup


Melissa: Now it's time for the main event city's pride and joy


Y/n: Why do I feel like the last time someone's name was chanted too much in a stadium it ended badly

Melissa: I guess as this cities hero he deserves the glory but holds on I have to introduce the sacrificial duelist to the king her name is Yuya Sakaki

Y/n(Xyz): I hope she does well...


Y/n: Oh that sound's giving me a headache

Melissa: Too bad...Ladies and Gentleman welcome the man who has the power that of a crimson dragon and the world shakes beneath his quake Jack Atlas

Jack: now what turn should I beat this "Duelist"

???: First turn

Jack: Now...Now, while that will be easy the problem is I must entertain the crowd as she won't on turn one I shall set the stage, turn two she has whatever bad move is up her sleeve, on the third turn end it with one move

Y/n: Yuya win...

Melissa: Now ladies and gentlemen there was an upgrade to this stadium where there is now a built-in field spell that works outside the field zone now the duels will be way more flexible we are using an action field-Whaaat? Why did no one tell me about this!

Y/n: They got an Action field?

Y/n(Xyz): Now you don't have to suck as much

Y/n: Says the man who I beat

Y/n(Xyz): It was a three-way fight!

Melissa: I'm gonna have the boss around here's head whatever go Action field Acceleration Ready...Set...Go!

Jack: The first move is mine

Melissa: He will take the first turn!

Y/n(Xyz): I think people in the Synchro dimension have so little food that all smart ones left to a farm so they didn't have to listen to this stupidity

Jack: I'll start things off by summoning Red Sprinter and when its summon I can summon another "Red" monster from my hand I summon Red Resonator now Level 2 Red Resonator tunes level 4 Red Sprinter Synchro Summon Red Wyvern

Melissa: Wow the king Synchro Summoned

Jack: I end my turn with a facedown...your move Yuya show me what you've got

Yuya: My turn I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 1 Stargazer Magician and Scale 8 Timgazer magician and with them I Pendulum Summon Perfrormapal Trump Girl, Performapal Teeter Totter Hopper, Performapal Stamp Turtle and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon

Melissa: Four on one summon it sounds like the thing from nightmares and in an earlier scoop I saw how the summoning operated and it's too incredible

Y/n: They don't know they're looking at the founder

Yuya: not done just yet Trump Girl lets me fuse monsters without Polymerization I fuse Trump girl and Odd-Eyes Fusion Summon Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and then I overly level 4 Stamp Turtle and Skeeter Skimmer Xyz Summon Dar Rebellion Xyz Dragon

Yugo: hey isn't that...

Y/n: The people we faced had that card

Jack: Now I activate Wyvern's effect when you have a card with higher attack points than Wyvern it can destroy with one with the highest attack points so the Rune-Eyes will become Runes

Yuya: Won't be happening I activate the Action Spell Mirror Barrier it negates the destruction of one monster

Melissa: She blocked it with an Action card?

Yuya: You said you would beat me on the third turn well you won't have a third turn... I activate Dark Rebellion's effect by using one overlay unit it halves your monsters attack points and it gains that lost attack points so I'll use two overlay units

Wyvern 2400-1200=1200

Dark Rebellion 2500+1200=3700

Wyvern 1200-600=600

Dark Rebellion 3700+600=4300

Yuya: Now Dark Rebellion attack Wyvern

Jack Lp 4000-3700=300

Yuya: Rune-Eyes attack directly

As the hit lands, the whole crowd is silent except


Jack appears from the smoke


Melissa: Yes the King is still in

Jack: I activated the Action spell Evasive Evasion to summon an Evasive token and once per turn it negates an attack

Y/n: How are you able to use an Action card like its nothing that does not skill its called outside dueling for f-

Yuya: Rune-Eyes can attack based on the monsters level Trump Girl is level 2 so it can attack twice

Jack: I activate the trap Reject Reborn it negates your monsters attack and ends the battle phase and I have to destroy all other cards on my field and I can summon cards from the grave depending on how many you have so I chose Red Wyvern and Red Resonator and when Red Resonator is summoned from the grave I gain life points equal to one Synchro monster on the field and since Wyvern is the only one

Jack Lp 300+2400=2700

Yuya: Dark Rebellions attack returns to normal I end my turn

Jack: You mentioned you are a duelist and all duelists entertain but your entertainment is self-Satisfaction and as a punishment, I shall win my turn I draw level 2 Red Resonator tunes level 6 Wyvern Synchro Summon Scarlight Red Dragon Archfield and once per turn it can destroy all other cards on the field that have less or equal attack points to it and you take 500 points of damage for each one

Yuya Lp 4000-1000=3000

Yuya: Now Scarlight attack Directly

Yuya Lp 3000-3000=0                        Yuya loses                       Jack Wins

Y/n: Yuya!  

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