ONE: Watching You Walk Away

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My Guide to Popularity: The Story

Chapter One: Watching You Walk Away

"No, your not breaking up with me are you?" She asked. She looked angry and sad all at once. Like she was going to break down and cry then rip someone’s head off. To be honest, it was laughable. She’s finally getting what’s coming to her, she’s a total narcissist. She's always tearing people down to claw her way to the top. I guess that’s what models do; they destroy everything in their path until they get what they want. Although, I can’t lie… she does have the body for a model. But, it’s annoying how that seems to be the first thing she says when she meets someone, “I'm a model.”  Like yeah, we get it.

"Yeah, I am. I can’t be with someone so narcissistic and manipulative. In fact . . . I never want to see you again." He may sound harsh and heartless, but he’s nothing but that. He’s the sweetest guy on earth. OK, that was a little over the top, but he really is the perfect guy. She deserved that after what she did to him. I honestly don’t even think she knows what a relationship is. It’s for two, not three . . . well, in her case four. Yeah, she cheated on him twice with two different guys. Apparently, its been going on for a while now, probably since they started dating so you can see why he’s so heartbroken.

"You can't leave me, Liam! You’ll never find someone who loves you more than me! Don’t do this!" She yelled after him, but he shrugged it off and kept walking, his head down. I noticed his eyes were red and he had bags under his eyes. His hair was messy and shaggy like he was continuously running his fingers through his hair... he looked so hurt and broken. I wanted to run over to him and hug him, he doesn’t deserve this heartache. He’s a better person than me though, id go back there and say words to her she’ll never forget. What makes it worse is that they’ve been dating for over a year now; everyone knew he was deeply in love with her. Maybe that was the problem… he loved her too much and she didn’t love him enough.

He slowed his steps to a sudden halt, he turned to face her. "You can't take back what you did. You already tore the fabric apart; you can’t just glue them back together with words. But, please, answer this . . ." He sniffled and didn’t bother to wipe away the tears that were falling down his face, "Why? I thought everything was perfect, I thought you would be the girl I could settle down with, have kids with and have a future with. I thought you’d be the girl id marry someday. Actually . . ." He pulled out something from his pocket and opened it up and stared down at it. I couldn’t really tell what it was from behind but I had an eerie feeling. I gasped and backed up a few steps, shocked. He was going to propose to her!

She couldn’t contain herself now; she began to cry furiously, realizing she missed out on a great opportunity. He was such a great guy that any girl would be lucky to have him. He shoved it back in his pocket and backed away, "Looks like it just wasn’t meant to be..." He finally turned and walked away, never looking back again. God… he must be going through a lot. I slowly came from behind the school wall and watched as she stood there crying, then she walked away, head down in despair.

I picked up my bag and walk towards the front of the school, trying to find where Liam ran off too. His truck is in the shop so I know he hadn’t driven home yet, he’s probably waiting on a ride in the front of the school. I walked towards the front doors and noticed Liam sitting at a table, going through his phone. I heard him sniffling as I got closer. I was going to sit down next to him and offer him a ride home but stopped when I noticed Brittany Hamilton walking towards him, with a slight smile on her face. She sat down next to him and rubbed his back, comforting him the way I wanted to…

Liam looked up and she smiled slightly, noticing his appearance. "Hey, I heard what happened back there. I'm so sorry. But, till be OK, really. She does not deserve you." She said. He rubbed his eyes and smiled, trying to act like everything was OK. He picked up his bag and put his phone back into his back pocket. She stood up as well, adjusting her cheerleading uniform and placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, I’m always here to talk, OK?" She asked. She was so sweet; I know some people may say cheerleaders are stuck up and snobby but not Brittany, she’s different from all the stereotypes. Sometimes I wish I was her. She had a great life ahead of her.

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