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I was sitting on the steps on the church with Donna and Charlotte

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I was sitting on the steps on the church with Donna and Charlotte. I couldn't stop staring at Mason. He was really pretty. We kept making eye contact and I felt some butterflies in my stomach just by looking at him.

Soon the church bell rang and it was time to go inside i sat next to dad while the feds were in front of us it was soon lenny's time to say his speech it was unprepared but the amount of love lenny had for coach buzzer says everything he couldn't say in words

My eyebrows furrowed at i heard rob start singing it was awful but funny at the same time i didn't mean to the laugh but it was hard not to

I leaned up next to mason and whispered in his ear

" i bet you 5 dollars he takes him down on his knees"

He smirked


Dad looked like he was having the time of his life watching this. Soon Eric started laughing but he tried to hold it in. Then Kurt started laughing and soon joined dad and Lenny. I couldn't hold it. Mason turned around and smiled at me.

I placed my head on his shoulder with my hand covering my mouth trying to keep in the giggles

I looked up and saw rob getting down on his knees i smiled

"You wanna give me the 5 dollars now or later"

He slowly slid the 5 dollar bill in my hand. I grinned but Lenny was grinning at the interaction of mason and jupiter.

Dad tapped me on the shoulder

"Do you remember how to make the buzzer sound"

I nodded yes

"On the count of three make the buzzer sound"

I laughed soon robs singing ended when me and dad made the buzzer sound everyone burst out laughing

"Grow up will you"
Rob said angrily

We were at the after party and i went to go get some cake dad told me it was vanilla flavored

I was sitting at the table eating by myself when i felt someone beside me it was mason

"Hey i saw you sitting by yourself and i thought i would come keep you company"

He smiled i noticed he had dimples they just made him cuter

"Well thank you mason for keeping me company"

The rest of the party mason kept making me laugh he plays in a band and likes reading the harry potter books something i thought no one else really enjoyed reading

My gaze went to the moms sitting behind us i whispered in masons ear

"All the moms are staring at us"

He shifted blocking my view from them

"Don't worry about them my step moms probably telling them how this is my first time ever actually enjoying a conversation with a girl"

I smiled and he oddly made me feel safe, something not a lot of people did. Dad called me

"Jup we gotta go to the cabin you ready"

I nodded

"Will i see you there"

I questioned mason

"you can bet on it"

He replied back, he kissed my cheek and walked towards his family. My face was as red as a tomato

Mason Feder, what are you doing to me?

wellll they finally talked!! also the songs i out are all based on the characters personality so like basically what i think they would listen to if they were real.. also i love harry styles like 😭😭

jupiter's outift

jupiter's outift

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