Chapter 1

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"Wake up. Wake up." I was woken up, I was staring at the wall and I look up, there was my mother standing over me trying to wake me up. "It's the first day of school." She says. I immediately woke up and jump out of bed and sprint downstairs to do my usual routine. Put on clothes, eat food, brush my teeth, then I walk to school. I walk back to school and there I meet up with the others. My friends, Jack, Earl, Jem, and Abril. I saw that the others have changed so much already.

"It's been such a long time... I've started to miss school!" Earl says.

"Yeah, that hero course should be exciting, did all of you guys get in?" Jack asks, and we all say yes at the same time. "Perfect, what period?"

"6th, it seems that the hero course replaces PE too." I say as I look down at my paper.

"Wait... I got the same thing too!" Earl tells me, I light up as I hear those words.

"No... Way.. me and Jem also got the hero course for 6th period!" Jack tells us.

"Well or course, I believe the hero course is always last period- so we all have the same class!" Abril says, already the year was off to a great beggining.

"Say, do we share any other classes?" Jem asked us all.

"I'm not sure, but hey at least we all share the best class together!" Earl says, then we enter the school building and there's people all over the place.

"Earl, isn't your brother in this school now?* Abril asked Earl.

"Oh- yes! He is! He's a Freshman now, he's already grown so much!" Earl says.

"Wait- then why didn't you walk with him?" I say. Earl freezes right there.

"Shit. Looks like I'm getting in trouble when I get home." He says then he runs back out th school. We all burst out laughing as he left the school.

"My goodness.. he's already gonna get his ass whooped, not even first class in yet!" Jem says, still laughing. Then finally, the bell rang. And everyone went to their classes, it seems like Earl was already going to be late. The entire day went without worries, until began lunch. Me an Jack, Jem, Abril, Earl were talking as usual until came Eric walking toward us with his group again. Eric stops right there in front of me.

"If it isn't Able, just because you have powers now it doesn't mean I you've escaped Nunless curse. You must've been manipulating people! You stupid rat!" Eric says and he grabs my shoulders and shakes me. "You are manipulating us! You are dangerous to be around! You bring trouble! The Chinese are going to kill us all and capture you! God damn it!" He then throws me against the table. At this point everyone was staring at us. Eric began walking toward me until Lawrence stepped in.

"Stop it. He's not a danger to us, he is protected. He has already saved lives. Lawrence said.

"You've been here the whole time?" I say.

"Yes, and no. We have a detector for whenever you're in trouble." Lawrence then turns to Eric. "Listen to me kid, leave him alone. It's for your own good, and everybody else's. Your making a show for everyone." Eric then calms down and angrily walks away..

"He has a problem.." Jack says as everyone else resumes back almost to normal. People begin hording around Lawrence, asking for autographs, taking pictures, all of that stuff.

"What the hell? Why is he here?" A kid says

"I- I've got to go young ones.. farewell!" Lawrence then leaps up to the sky and zooms away. The school was in a ruckus the first day, and it mostly revolved around me.

A kid who was being picked on by Eric, that same kid gained powers randomly, and was approached by Lawrence? I would be going crazy I'd something like that happen to someone I knew too; but even so came the last period of school. The Hero Course. HC For short, we all began to walk into a single room, there were lots of other kids walking into this class. As I walk in I see my friends, so I walk toward them pushing through the crowd.

Super (Part 2): Sophomore Year, The Real Action Begins Now!Where stories live. Discover now