He is.... Him

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Ju Min just get off from his car. He sigh deeply try to organize his thought before come in the building. He looks up at the 11th floor, the place that he would surely have to face you.

"Mr Han...." Jae Hee greet him. She is amused by the fact that send you are really able to heal him in a day. He smile sadly for the fact that she stated. Jae Hee inform him for all the update he missed for a day and the schedule afterward while walking to their office.

"And also..... Your brother is currently at your office....." The last news shocked him.

"What? Why?" Ju Min asks cautiously.

"It is happened that photographer Ryan M is actually your own brother, Han Ryu Min.... I guess that you are unaware of this too?" Jae Hee asks Ju Min. She never think that Ryan M would be her own boss's brother.

When Ryan M just entering the building she thought he was her CEO appear in a different style. They really looks alike, but they have a different vibe and hair style. She can hardly tell that he was a different person. She just about to report to him when he introduce him as Ryan M.

"What about Hyu Ri? Where is she?" He confirm Jae Hee. She inform him that you just arrive and heading to the office. Her answer make Ju Min fastly run away in hope of prevent you from meeting Ryu Min.

"Mr Han! Why are you running? You just recovered" Jae Hee try to avert him but he is just too fast.

Meanwhile at the office you just arrive to your desk, you see that Ju Min's room is brighten. The curtain window is opened to let the sunlight come in. You think that Ju Min is already here. You approach his room and enter it after knocking.

He is sit down on the sofa before you come in and stand up after seeing you. He smile warmly. After what was happened he still can casually smile like there was nothing. It makes you frustrated. You avert your gaze, not really want to looks at him, thus you can't recognize the man properly.

"I am sorry for slaped you.... But please.... Just stay away from me. The kiss.... I hate it.... I hate you..... I hate you to tell me to regard you as his substitute and I hate my self even more because I really did as you said..... I was so desperate thinking that you are him.... But you are not.... "
You feel guilty and sad. Your heart is throbbing.

"I know..... I know that you are sincere and care to me.... But I can't accept you.... I can't stop thinking about him when I look at you.... And I don't want to make you stay as his substitute, it makes me feel like a bad person..... I'm sorry....."

The way Ju Min looks at you all this time, you know. You can feel his longing, you know you are special for him. But you keep resisting, refuse its fact. You just can't stand Ju Min sincerity when you can't even forget his brother, not at all.

"Lee Hyu Ri!" The door is slamed open. Exposing Ju Min panicking face.

There is a horror on his face when he realized that you are in the same room as Ryu Min. You look really puzzled. You stare alternately between the two man. And you come into realization.

"Ryu... Min?" You look at the man inside the room blankly. He has been staring at you with a sorrow in his eyes. But he manages to put a bright smile on his face.

"Long time no see.... Hyu Ri ah" he greets you with the same expression, the same gaze and the same smile he always has when he looks at you. It is really him.

You messed up. You just exposing your true feeling directly to Ryu Min. Your feeling is complicated. You can't stand to stay any longer, so you run away as far as possible.

"Hyu Ri ssi...!" Ju Min call out for you and ready to chase after you.

"Hyung..." Ryu Min call his brother and is about to come with him but Ju Min stops him.

"Later.... Just talk later" Ju Min asks his brother to just stay.

Ryu Min is left alone. He keep staring on the door where you just left. He looks pitiful.

"Even after a long time...... I'm sorry....." He mumbles by his self.

He is.... Not Him (Lee Soo Hyuk & OC FF)Where stories live. Discover now