Falling for him

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Monday-sopekook-Main focus is kook

Great I'm gonna have school without my best friend because of some stupid thing I had to bring up. I swear hoseok is nice and saying he bothers me isn't even his fault. I just grew clingy to yoongi and it's always just been us two since no one else liked yoongi...and seeing him act "different" now just irritated me.

I waited at the spot where me and yoongi agreed to meet eachother every morning but he never showed up. It was odd to me. Maybe he had like a doctors appointment. yeah...a doctor appointment.

I walked myself to class and there was my best friend. Standing right in front of our math teachers door. With him. So he ditched me or....was our argument really the end of our friendship? I rather have him ditch me than knowing I caused us to not be friends.

Yoongi wasn't gonna notice me or even try to, so I left to class, hearing his cute laugh....laugh with someone else.

During Class

Min Yoongi?.....Min Yoongi!? Is yoongi absent today?
The door swung open a few moments later, of course yoongi stood there and headed to his seat.
Min Yoongi, you are late! Do you have a pass from the principal or an excuse?
...No ma'am

The teacher just shooked her head in disappointment and went on with teaching.

....what page are we on?
Thank you kookie...I'm sorry by the way. I really shouldn't have acted like that and also I didn't go to you this morning i-

I was telling him the page number and re-teaching what you taught us ma'am.
hmm..ok, thank you jungkook, what a good example.

thanks kook.
kookie I really am sorry-
Yoongi shut up already, you wanna get detention!?
Than shut up.


Yoongi sat at the table they always sat at, waiting for his friends to show up. Hoseok showed up before jungkook even did but it's probably just the classes that comes first.

Hey yoongi!!
How come you're not eating?
uhhh the first classes that come usually get the gross food since their still cooking.
Ohhh well let's share!

share? that's your food.
uh-huh and sharing is caring so I'll share with you.
Yoongi did his rare gummy smile as hoseok shared his food with him.

Jungkook eventually came and sat with them without saying a word this time.
Kookieee!! you took forever

you should know the classes lunch schedules by now.
I guess....are you still mad?
Mad about what?
About what happened

Can you stop bringing it up already!?
I just wanna make sure, jeez

Jungkook had to admit, it was too hard to stay mad at yoongi. Yoongi is really a soft soul if you'd just get to know him.

I'm not mad at all yoongi-ah, he hugged yoongi and stole the fry that yoongi stole from hoseok.
Yoongi giggled seeing how hoseok's food was being stolen from them and he barely even noticed.

Jungkook on the other hand started wondering how he even felt about yoongi. He was so adorable, so cute, so precious, it's like he didn't wanna just be best friends with him...almost saw him as a crush but yoongi said boys aren't aloud to date boys so he couldn't be a crush. Probably someone he just adores alot.

Everything yoongs did from giggling to pouting to huddling up to him when he was cold just made jungkooks heart skip a beat. Jungkook knows he likes yoongi. But yoongi would never think of them that way. What's so wrong with dating a boy? As long as the person is happy, is what his parents always told him. But yoongi wouldn't be happy, only him and that would be selfish wouldn't it?

After School

Hoseok ended up getting picked up early leaving the two alone after school. They were currently walking out the halls to outside just enjoying the silence

Can I walk home with you
ummmm...you'll get lost! you probably shouldn't!
I won't! plus your mom knows me so if I did she could just call my mom.
I don't know kookah....
please!!! I'll stop calling you kitty!
but I like-

Jungkook started walking the direction yoongi walks in to his house.
I love u too boiled dumpling, jungkook held yoongis hand as they walked.

Boiled dumpling!? really kookie!
haha yeah, it suits you.
Yoongi pouted and pretend to be mad at kook.

Awwwe yoongi don't pout you know you're still cute either way! He gave yoongi a piggy back ride all the way til they got to his house.
Mmmm, I don't wanna get downnn
But you're home and then you can take a nap!

carry me inside.
You lazy cat. Jungkook knocked on the door and yoongi's mother let them in and directed him to yoongis room.

He placed yoongs down on the bed and examined his room.
Wow, it looks so cozy and adorable compared to how u seem at school
oh shut up and come hereee, yoongi did the "grabby hands" at kook which made him 'awwwe' and cuddled him.

You're such a softie yoongi-ah.
Just around you..., he snuggled against kook and fell asleep right after.
Very soft at the end, sorry if I made them sound older than they are as well! since the last chapter was a little rude for the christmas spirit I made this one on Christmas as well! I'll probably post 3 chapters everyday til it's done, which will be soon:^
Merry Christmas <33

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