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Here's a little sneak peek for what's to come in Book 3 of the Of Angels and Demons series, City of Embers:

The Battle of Brocelind Plain is won, but the war is far from over. Jaakobah is silent, planning his next move somewhere on the globe. Ember Fairose and Jonathan Morgenstern are exiled to the New York Institute, where they, along with their friends, are dealing with the personal fallout of the battle: Jace, with the reality that he is not the last Herondale, Jonathan, with finally accepting the Morgenstern name and its legacy, and now the seemingly impossible task of locating his son from behind the doors of the Institute, and Ember, stripped of her authority, feeling voiceless in the fight against Jaakobah and coping with the fact that despite her abilities and sacrifices, she is now among the most hated and mistrusted people in the Shadow World.

In the east, Alicante is recovering, but the battle has left what remains of the Shadowhunters' morale in tatters, and the Cohort, exploiting the Clave's vulnerability, is accumulating more power and influence at an alarming pace, and have prioritized the oppression of the Downworld instead of defeating Jaakobah. News of Shadowhunters killing faeries begins to be heard around the world, and what's worse, the Clave doesn't seem to care, and Ember fears that her boyfriend, Rowan, may be one of the nexts.

Ember, struggling to find stability and safety, begins to question what she believes in and who she's fighting for, but with the help of the right person, she finally finds what she's looking for once and for all. But when Jaakobah reappears, she finds herself facing her hardest decision yet.

Will Ember disobey the Clave in order to try to save Jacob one last time, or will she find herself tempted once again by the darkness inside her and join Jaakobah?

Light and dark are intertwining. The end is near, and there's nowhere to hide. Choices will have to be made, much will be lost, and blessings will be gained. Which side will Ember be on? Will she decide that it is better to fight for Heaven, or to reign in Hell after all?

Stay tuned for the first chapter!

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