Chapter 23: Son of Shadows

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Three days later, Ember found herself standing in the same spot, under the same sun and sky, in front of the same gate, anxiously awaiting to welcome Jonathan Morgenstern into Alicante.

Her rest had been practically nonexistent the night before, and just as she had begun to doze off, it had been time to wake up. In her half-asleep stupor, she hadn't even paid much attention to the clothes she picked out for the day; she had just grabbed a random dress and slipped it on.

Big mistake.

Her dress was green, like emeralds, the same green color of Jonathan's eyes, and the chain, silver today, was wrapped securely around her waist, and her dagger as well in its scabbard.

Ember pinched the gossamer fabric of the dress. Maybe it had been a mistake to wear it. Hopefully he wouldn't look into it. Hopefully, he wouldn't even look at her at all.

She let her hands fall back to her sides. It was pointless to fret about it now, anyway. It was much too late.

Her eyes flickered behind her. It was just her and Jia today, but there were many more guards today than there had been when Isabelle arrived. She knew Jonathan would not like that. But what did he expect on coming to Alicante? He must have known what his arrival meant, and everything it encompassed with it.

The thought, meant to reassure her, did not in the slightest, and only made her nerves spike. She breathed in deeply through her nose, trying to cast aside the urge to bend over and vomit. Her dress being green was one thing, but she did not want to be green by the time Jonathan arrived.

Ember brought her gaze back to the front instead, her teeth gnawing at her lip. In that instant she wished she would have accepted Simon's offer to stand with her to welcome him. Simon's presence was calming, comforting. He would have made things easier. Maybe she could—

A Portal came to life in front of them, interrupting her train of thought.

Too late.

Ember's heart thudded rapidly in her chest, so hard she feared anyone could hear it, and the roar of blood rushing in her ears was deafening, even to her.

She dropped her eyes to the ground and forced them to stay there. She wouldn't see him, not until he was here, not until she had to.

The Portal disappeared with a tell-tale whoosh, and for one long, dreadful moment, everything and everyone was deathly still and silent.

Then the scuffling of various sets of feet rushing forward surrounded her, and she knew Jia's guards were checking Jonathan for any possible hidden weapons.

She heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed. She didn't need to look up to know what it was. Phaesphoros. The sound of a zipper followed it, then fabric ripping, and then there was the sound of struggle.

"Not that. It's personal."

Ember tensed as his voice reached her ears, but with a wave of the Consul's hand, the matter was settled, and the sound of a bag being shoved back to him was heard before the guards moved back into place.

"Jonathan Morgenstern." Even the Consul's polite tone was forced, her smile a bit too fixed. "I would like to personally welcome you to Alicante."

"Forgive me for saying so, Consul Penhallow, but it doesn't feel like a welcome."

Ember winced at the reproachful tone in his voice, and it was only until then that she allowed herself to look. The moment she raised her eyes, her thudding heart skipped a beat. A golden explosion rocked through her body and immeasurable elation filled her, along with relief.

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