Chapter 8

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Hi hi! I'm back! :D I hope you didn't miss me too much/hj I hope you're all doing well!

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I thought I could, turns out my parents had a surprise retreat with me so couldn't write yesterday. Today, I'm busy too unfortunately but I don't want to leave this book alone for too long so here's part of this chapter, I'll fix it tomorrow as I believe I have time then. I apologize once again but here's the first part of the chapter, enjoy, take care and hopefully see you tomorrow! - Dec. 28th

Hello! I'm back and continuing this chapter, hope you're doing well and enjoy :D Random sidenote:  I watched Velvetfrost tiktoks while writing this and they are still the cutest thing ever- - Dec. 29th

"Ready to go Velvet?" Puffy asked.

"Yeah. Where are we going anyways?" Velvet said as they walked outside together.

"To see my friends." Puffy started. "I think they can help your situation."

"You mean..." Velvet started.

"Yeah." Puffy nodded knowing what Velvet was saying.

"Do you really think they can?" Velvet asked.

"Well, we've been trying to." Puffy replied. "Thought maybe you would be interested in helping."

"I'd love to help! Anything if it means Antfrost'll be back to normal!" Velvet said eagerly.

"Just Antfrost? Wow you only love him?" Puffy snickered.

"Shut up, Hannah and all of the others too." Velvet rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I was just saying. Weren't you trying to rub off onto him? He seems to be rubbing off on you." Puffy joked. She looked ahead.

"Wait, is Skeppy part of it? After all, he wants Bad to be free too." Velvet said thoughtfully.

"He can join, but you see, he has some, um, unhealthy bonds with me and my two friends. Thus, he doesn't join in." Puffy explained. She looked ahead. "We're here."

"Wait, here?" Velvet said. "Uh, I'm not sure I want to go in there."

The prison.

"Why not?" Puffy asked. "Nothing bad'll happen. Sam protects it well."

"I know, because of-" Velvet started.

"Wait. What are you doing around here?" A loud monotone voice said. They both swiveled around. There was Sam, glaring at Velvet.

"Hey Sam. I see you already know Velvet." Puffy said.

"Unfortunately." Sam said. "What are you doing around here?"

"I-uh-" Velvet stammered.

"He's come for the meeting. He wants to help with the destruction of the egg." Puffy said, still confused. "How do you know each other?"

"This was the idiot that came with Skeppy I told you about. Didn't expect you knew him." Sam said. "Come inside, Quackity's already here."

Velvet chuckled nervously following Sam before Puffy stopped him.

"You decided to prank Sam yesterday with Skeppy?" Puffy snorted. "Wow, how are you still alive?"

"Ant came to bust us out." Velvet murmured.

"He made it so it seemed like you two were apart of the Eggpire, didn't he?" Puffy asked, face going serious. "No wonder Sam hates you so much, you pranked his precious prison and he thinks you're associated with that organization."

What About Me? - A Velvetfrost & Eggpire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now