Chapter 3:3

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In all my years, I have never roared as loud and long as I had in that moment. Sound just erupted from me like a volcanic geyser spewing liquid fire. It was the loudest sound I ever heard! Let alone made! It was definitely the loudest sound that warlord had ever heard. As soon as I roared, she dropped her spear and began stumbling backwards, gripping her ears and screaming in agony.

I probably could've stopped at that point, but I was so scared that if I did, she'd come at me again. Finally, though, my lungs gave out and I had to stop, but I felt something different about myself. Like that call had summoned something up inside me: a surge of power and authority. Sure enough, I looked to the sky to see all the soldiers, guards, and whoever else was still on the island hovering above me, all looking at me for guidance.

It was then that I realized that was no ordinary roar I did. No. That was an alpha's call! In the dragon world, nothing gets our attention like the roar of strength and authority. We listen to whoever has that voice! We follow the alpha who can command us! Those were things I thought would never be addressed to me, tiny, puny, pathetic me. But I went with it! I mean, what the hell else was I supposed to do?

I rose into the air to join I guess what were now my troops and pointed toward the ships that were the biggest problems for us. I guess that call had the same effect on them that it did on me, because I swear we did way more damage now than we did before. Guards plunged onto ships, defying the pain of the countless arrows and spear strikes. The soldiers rose high above the armada and skillfully took out as many catapults as they could, each exploding with a single burst of fire.

And, in all this chaos, I was the director. I flew all around the battlefield, roaring out orders to take out anything that threatened the island. Even Skull and Crypt were following my lead! It was kind of awesome! However, the ships weren't retreating. Even now, they refused to back down. I noticed the warlord woman on her ship, still holding her ears. If she was mad before then she was steaming now! But she also looked to be in serious pain. Even from high above, it was obvious her ears were bleeding and her balance was off. I realized then that I had deafened her, probably destroyed her eardrums.

I felt kind of bad for her. Honestly, I didn't mean to do permanent damage like that! It just happened! I swear! I realized she wasn't going to leave without my stone, especially now that she'd lost something so valuable to her. I looked at the stone, thinking, trying to come up with a solution. I thought about Pouncer and Ruffrunner. Were they facing down the warlords, too? In that case, I really needed to hurry this up! I needed to help them! They were both in serious danger!

Then, my mind shifted to Tuxedo, and it dawned on me what I had to do. I started by releasing my hold on the soldiers. Like magic, they all flew back towards the island. That place needed repairs anyway, couldn't leave the place totally defenseless. I then glided down toward the main ship, down where my poor deaf friend was. I soared slowly over it, showing the crew the stone in my claws. I made sure they got a really good look at it, let them see their carrot on a stick.

I then flew as fast as I possible could out toward the ocean. I tell you I freakin' booked it! You never saw a dragon that small fly that fast! I checked behind me once I reached Helmheim's Gate, the oceanic barrier that surrounds Dragon Island and, sure enough, every one of those ships, on fire or otherwise, was right on my tail. Good. Even if it meant I was the bait, I would do whatever I could to protect my home, my brother's home, my friend's home. I looked ahead, out on the horizon, images of maps being unearthed in my brain.

I knew where I needed to go. It was the only place I could go. I needed to find my brother and his platoon. Then, I was going after Pouncer and Ruffrunner. I had the power to save them right in my paws. I had never felt so sure of myself before that moment, never felt like I had a purpose before. It felt great. Felt exhilarating! Finally. FINALLY, this little cursed Night Light was going to make a difference and make her brother proud!

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