Chapter 3

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I remember standing at the corner on my room. Crying praying for all this to end . It was a horrible experience but how others say "From something bad you can find something good".
So, I believed that . I was trapped by those feelings almost a year. But guess what I started to not feel so strong love for him as I used to . I had a crush on another guy . He was a sweet guy who actually was my neighbor. Crazy huh.. yep it was he sometimes used to come at my house because my mom and his are friends . Holly shit that's even crayzer right. I was walking down to school he said " Good morning" . I was thinking "holly heaven" I replied " Morning to you to" and he started to talk to me . it was for school he was shy to talk like "hey let's be friends" but now he said " How's school going for you" I said " Good is not OK but good" I asked the same thing he said "So what mark did you get at chimestry (probably spelled wrong) I said " C its not good" He said "Don't worry about it I got the same " and he started to laugh . I loved that laughter it was ChARMIN o my God can't believe it. He saw his friend and said "is it OK if I go with my friend" i said " No problem see ya later " " see ya he said " omg best
moment ever . I continued the way to school walking . I went to school and told my friend all what happened . She was so happy that I finally could get over my last crush. She and I would talk all the break about him . I went to the store and ...

The Impossible loveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora