We Will Have Victory...

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Four hours after the meeting, Izuku brought all of those who volunteered for the plan. He wouldn't force people to do this, but a surprising amount of heroes volunteered to join them.

"Alright. You have the gold, right?"

"I still don't understand why we need this..."
"Nether traversal is dangerous. It eliminates risk."
"Is this necessary?"
"We won't traverse the distance without him knowing... and it's the fastest method. C'mon."
When they entered the portal, many were surprised by what Izuku commonly walked through. "You use this place for transportation?"

They walked on the path, getting closer to the village.

"While in the village ahead, make sure the gold you have is visible. They will only attack if you don't have any."
Katsuki was going to complain, but was forced to keep his mouth shut. Grumbling after the fact, he followed suit. They passed through with no complaints

As they followed the path, they came to a three way fork in the road. "Alright, this is where we split. Team Zeta, follow the right path until you reach the portal. Beta & Delta, You will follow the left path until the second portal. Do not leave the path, as without preparation, exploring this place is incredibly dangerous. Understand?"

They agreed.

"Good. Team Alpha... follow me." Class 1A agreed, minus Bakugo. He was deemed a liability, so put with Zeta, which would have a ton of combat opportunities.

"You never explained the plan to us?"

"Right, Beta & Delta teams will portal to the front and cause chaos for the villain forces. Zeta will portal to the other side of the city in a pincer movement. We will be heading to the main objective. While All for One is distracted by the two attacks, we will infiltrate the old Hero Commission building, capture it while the others distract them, and kill All for One."

"Nothing beyond that?"
"The simplest plans are often the best."

"Why choose us, then?"
"We're making a pit stop before our attack. And I only trust your class out of all of them. I've known you the longest... and it's why I requested Katsuki not come with me."

They arrived at the portal, and entered through it.

This portal made them arrive at the place Izuku and Izumi left from on the first trip. A worn down old apartment building, but close to the target building. You could see it rise above the block over, in fact.

"Why are we here?"

"Closest portal I've got... and I've got a surprise for you. Remember my lessons during the time I was there?"
"I gave you weapons training for this very reason..." He approached a bookshelf, and pulled on a particular book. Mechanisms whirred as they powered on and slowly opened the wall next to the bookshelf... revealing armors on stands and chests full of gear.

"This is the vault. Grab all the gear you'll need, as much as you can carry."

"Holy Shit!"

"What is this even made from?!"
"Potions...? What do these all do?"

"Most of them are buffs. Strength, Fire Resistance, Regeneration, Instant health... the works..." Just then, explosions sounded in the distance. Izuku rushed to the nearest window and checked outside. Armies of villains were sent to deal with the diversions.

"Alright, they're being sent out now. Gear up as quickly as you can! We attack soon."

"Rodger that!"

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