𝟬𝟬 dangerous girl

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prologue,dangerous girl

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dangerous girl

ANNA THORNHILL'S HANDS ARE TAINTED WITH BLOOD. She is, after all, a fugitive from justice.

     Not that Anna wanted to resort to a life of crime in the first place, but what choice did she have? Living in a world driven by money and greed meant Anna and her gang consistently had to fight to survive. Even if it meant committing theft and murder every now and then, there were always debts to pay and mouths to feed. And the Thornhills were not going to succumb to suffering. Not now. Not ever.

     They would gladly stop at nothing until they reached success.

     On a fine sultry day such as this, Anna is seen ambling across the barren streets of Rhodes alone, taking the time to adjust to her new surroundings. With the gang recently ambushed by the O'Driscolls, their camp had no choice but to relocate. And what better choice than to settle for a spot near a town named Rhodes?

     Anna would gladly take a break from hunting to spend the rest of this afternoon venturing across this happy and peaceful community (judging from the fact that everyone gladly minded their own business as they ran their day-to-day errands). And sure, there was no denying the fact that Anna and her allies couldn't stay here for long. Not only did the bounty hunters continue to remain a huge threat to the Thornhills, but should the O'Driscolls eventually discover their hideout the gang would have no choice but to seek residence elsewhere. But for now, Anna simply wanted to relax and enjoy the present, effacing any sort of chaos for the time being—that especially included the fear of another O'Driscoll encounter.

          The general store was deprived of any customers today, that is, until Anna came along. The tiny silver bell above the door erupted a soft ring as she stepped past the threshold, greeted with a coalescing odour of musty wood and bittersweet caffeine. Unfortunately for Anna, the shopkeeper was not happy to see the aforementioned girl loitering around inside his store. He let out a painful sigh, his pale demeanour masked with utter disappointment as he questioned curtly, "Can I help you, young lady?"

         She would sense the discomfort on his face from the moment she glimpsed at him. And of course, Anna would know that look all too well having lived in America for over a decade already: A look made up of resentment and disgust towards people of her culture. Needless to say, it would pain her to know that a society like this wasn't particularly fond of those who were different. But as time went by, she had made gallant efforts to pull herself together by resisting it. After all, the only way to survive was to stay strong.

     "Look, mister, I'm just here to buy a few things. I'll be out of your hair before you know it." She reassured the man as he grimaced.

  "Make it quick."

After a few minutes of browsing through the shelves, Anna managed to find everything she was looking for. Most of it was food for her gang while the rest were supplies for her horse, Willow. The shopkeeper made sure to keep a close eye on Anna though, ensuring that nothing in his store was to be stolen.

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