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Sorry I haven't posted another part! Also Merry late Christmas :))

After the somewhat awkward sleepover with Jake and Y/n, Jake had started to act weirder and weirder everyday. He wasn't talking excitedly about things like he did before, now it seemed like his mood was killed. Y/n wasn't one to pry on someone else's life but his own, but he liked Jake, liked him enough to worry about his sudden change of mood in everyday life.

“Jake. You're acting strange.” Y/n brought up. It was after school now, they were heading home. Jake stiffened and he shook his head, giving his friend a weak smile “Im fine Y/n. No need to worry.” he waved it off and went back to looking at his phone. “Look I have to go, my uncle needs me at home.” he said and quickly put his phone away in his back pocket. “You can talk to me Jake, you know that.” Y/n called after him with no avail. Jake nodded and headed away. Something definitely wasn't right.

After that weird day, Y/n headed home to do his chores and homework. Hoping he would see his parents for once inside the house, he was met with his mother. She had a saddened look on her face, nothing new there to be honest. “Hey Mom…” he said awkwardly, closing the front door behind him. Sophia sighed and looked up, “Honey sit down,” she said and pulled out the chair next to her. Y/n got a bad feeling about whatever this talk was going to be about.

“What's the matter mom?” he asked and sat down next to her. Sophia gave her son a weak smile “Honey. Your sister is…moving out,” that wasn't as bad as he thought. “I know you and your sister aren't on good terms, but this means a lot for me and Micheal.” she explained and grabbed her cup of more than likely cold coffee. “She's moving out of town, with her boyfriend…” she gritted her teeth, “so me, Jenna and Michael are going to be busier than usual.” Y/n hummed “Why cant i help?” he asked, almost offended.

Sophia sighed and got up, going to the sink to pour out her cold coffee. “You're in school, plus you need to be doing homework rather than helping move.” she explained. “When it's the weekend you will help, not getting by that, but during the week you'll be at school or here doing work.” Y/n nodded “What about hanging out with friends? Will i be able to do that?” he asked, not meaning to throw sass into it.

Sophia looked over her shoulder, putting on her mom's voice. “You can. But don't think youll get out of helping us Y/n.” he nodded quickly “definitely, don't worry.” she nodded and looked back to the sink. “Do you have any homework?” she asked, Y/n shook his head “Not much-” she stopped him. “It's a yes or no question Y/n.” she muttered. He quickly nodded “Yeah I do. I just wanted to do it at my friend's house, it's a project.” Liar, he just didn't want to be inside the house with the killer mom at the moment.

She nodded "Alright, just be back by dinner. You know the drill." she said and went to her room. Y/n let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in, getting up and quickly grabbing his bag. Out into the world again Y/n.

He finally decided to just go to Devon's house, best guess is he would cover for him if his mom decided to ask said friend about the project. Luckily he was home, so when he asked if he could hang out with him, Devon agreed and let him in. "My sister is moving out with her boyfriend, my parents are freaking out about it." Y/n sighed, slumping down on his friend's bed. Devon chuckled and sat down behind his desk. "Is that a good thing?" he asked. Y/n nodded "Yeah kind of, but if she moves away ill kind of miss her." he sighed "She's mean dna annoying but fun when she was happier." he added.

"Well I know what will make you feel better." Devon said and wiggled his eyebrows. Y/n hummed in question, "Lexy is having a small party while her parents are out for a parent meeting. She texted about it earlier." Y/n scoffed a laugh "Yeah, like a party from miss queen is the thi8ng i need right now." he said and sat up. Devon shrugged "You don't even have to talk to her, just dance or something. Get your mind off of it." Y.n rolled his eyes and looked at his watch, seeing that it was still early enough for him to be at the party and be home in time. "I guess, it shouldn't be that bad."

Devon nodded "We should get going now." he said getting up. "Is Jake going?" Y/n asked getting up as well, Devon laughed softly "Lexy inviting Jake? I doubt it."

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