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"He's alive?" Y/n repeated. Jake nodded then frowned "Look I know i sound crazy...but you have to believe me." He sounded desperate, really desperate to have Y/n belive him.

"Jake...i belive you, but i don't-" Y/n looked for the right words, "I just don't know what to do about it," he said laughing at himself a little. Jake took that personally, as if he was being laughed at. Y/n quickly tried to explain himself, but all that came out was ums, and ers-

"Whatever. Forget it," he said and tried to open the closet door again, this time succeeding. Pushing it open the leaving the closet to find Lexy like he was originally doing. But something else caught his eye.

Y/n followed after him, stopping next to him. "Jake please, i didn't-" he stopped noticing the look on the others face, he noticed that Devon was there as well next to Jake with more of an angry face. Y/n looked in front of him, seeing Lexy.

Her Halloween costume seemed harmless, but by the look on Juniors, Jakes and Devon's face it wasn't harmless at all. "What?" He asked softly, Jake sniffled a little "She's my dad." He muttered. Y/n gasped softly, looking away from the blond teen back to Jake. What a bitch.

After that whole ordeal was over with, meaning Jake was able to leave the house without running at her and killing her on the spot, Y/n and Devon followed the boy outside to give him comfort. "Jake I'm so sorry," Y/n muttered rubbing his shoulder, Devon gave him a weak smile "yeah, I'm so sorry man." Jake shook his head, "She csnt get away with this." He said angrily.

"Don't do anything stupid Jake," Y/n warned, as if he was a....parent...bad choice of words. "I'm gonna show her what it's like to get hurt." He said and pushed past Devon and Y/n. They quickly follwed after him, "Jake wait, please. We can talk about this," Y/n studdered to find the words, "Please," he begged for Jake to stop but he kept walking forward.

Devon tried his best as well, but Jake was set in his mind. Once they finally reached where Lexy was, she gave Jake a look of pure bitchyness. "What." She scoffed crossing her arms. Jake almost rushed forward, but he stopped. Something- sorry, someone, caught his eye.

Y/n arrived late to the scene, bur was half to be greeted by Jake grabbing the good guy doll instead of Lexys neck. He rushed up the stairs again, leaving them confused and relieved. "What the hell Lex." Junior said angry at his girlfriend, she rolled her eyes "That fucking doll creeps me the hell out." She muttered.



I had to decide wether or not to get mad at Lexy for being a huge bitch, or to walk back upstairs to go find Jake. Of course finding Jake is a main objective, but honestly it wouldn't be bad to yell at Lexy either.

I finally made the decision to go upstairs and look for Jake. When I finally found him he was outside on his way to I'm guessing his house, or I guess Junior's house- I didn't want to push him into a conversation he didn't want to have, but I felt like it was sort of my duty to make sure he was okay.

So I went up to him as quietly and not scary as I could, he turned around, I'm guessing he heard my loud shoes. "What do you want..." He muttered obviously not wanting my attention or my comfort. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know what Lexie did was really bad, but don't go beating yourself up over it." He gave me a look like I was insane.

You didn't say anything as he turned around, continuing to walk. I decided to follow him of course he knew I was, I wasn't a stalker of any sorts. "You could stay at my house tonight if you want to, I just want to know that you're okay." I offered. He slowed his walk down, then turned his head towards me. "You would let me stay at your house?" He muttered.

I nodded, "yeah of course we're basically best friends now right?" Maybe I was moving a bit fast by saying we're best friends, but he didn't seem to mind it seeing as he laughed a little. "Don't you have to tell your parents?" He asked. I shook my head "they're probably not even home right now, I'll just have to ask my aunt." He nodded and smiled softly.

He then stopped, "I should go get clothes or something," he said and took a glance at his good guy doll. I followed his gaze also looking at the good guy doll. "If what you said is true I would prefer you don't take them to my house." I laughed a little. He laughed along with me but I could tell it was somewhat of a forced laugh. "Yeah, I'll just uh go get some clothes." I nodded. "Alright, I'll just wait outside for you if you don't mind. I kind of left my phone at home."

Jake nodded and continued walking to his house, I followed of course. Luckily it wasn't to awkward ad I thought it would be.

A/n : Next chapter will be the sleepover, it's a cliche but I didn't know what else to do. Also you might notice some things changing in this story, mostly plots and things characters say, its mostly because I want to add my own spin to it and I also forget a lot of things that happen lmao

Life's a bitch [ Jake Wheeler x Male Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now