|Glory For Her Majesty!|

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Welcome to another chapter, I do apologize for uploading so late, but I was on a trip so I couldn't write at all, but now I'm back and ready to keep writing!

In exchange for such inactivity, I decided to write around three chapters of this story so you don't have to wait too much for a new update, I'll upload them slowly, but fast enough!

This is a very long chapter, I thought it would be nice to write a bit more this time!

Anyways, enjoy :)!


|Royal Navy's Gardens|

Like always, her majesty was along with the rest of the important members from the Royal Navy in the huge gardens that the base has behind the main buildings already discussing with the Commander who just recently arrived along with Belfast a few minutes ago.

"How's been Bismarck doing lately Commander? Is she properly recovering?" (Hood)

Though the question is a little unexpected coming from a member of the Royal Navy, Hood seems to be a little concerned about the current state of the Iron Blood leader.

"Ah yes, indeed, she has managed to recover pretty fast from his injuries, and along with Z23 assistance she should be in perfect state in a few days" (Y/N)

"Those are wonderful news, indeed" (Hood)

"Now to the main topic, Commander, there is something you might wanna hear..." (Prince Of Wales)

Cutting immediately the atmosphere, Prince Of Wales began speaking to get the Commander's attention now.


Some explanation later about the current situation...


Y/N was informed by the Royal Navy members what has the Sardegna Empire been doing during the last time.

"Mmh... So the Sardegna Empire is investigating the Sirens too? Well it's not that surprising at all..." (Y/N)

"Indeed, intelligence suggests they have discovered some sort of hiding fortresses underwater related with the Sirens" (Prince Of Wales)

Those words mentioned caught Y/N's attention immediately as he heard something pretty similar in the Northern Parliament.

"Mmh... Underwater, huh? The Northern Parliament has reported something similar, huge fortresses under the water that are still functional, it's indeed a mystery what their use is or how they even reach there in the first place" (Y/N)

Y/N was informed that, unfortunately, there wasn't too much to do with those hiding fortresses as they are still unknown and so their intentions.
In the case of the soviet fleet, they don't possess any sort of advance submarine in their fleet to investigate the depths of the place yet.

"Well, until we get more information about it we can't really do something" (Y/N)

Perhaps the best is to stay away from those things until they discover a way to investigate them properly.

"They might already know about what happened to Bismarck, it wouldn't be a surprise if they are already making their move, Commander" (Hood)

Hood adds to the conversation, making Y/N to be more concerned about the situation, maybe all of this was kinda exaggerated as the Sardegna Empire isn't known for being too hostile against Azur Lane as they mind their own business most of the time.

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