Chapter 4: Three birds on a wire

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Hyunjin's phone started to ring around midnight. Woken up from his slumber he answered with his sleepy voice before acknowledging the number.
The doctor however on the other side seemed to completely wake him up.
Hyunjin knew a call like this, could never mean a good thing. Shushing his doctor he slowly made his way to the bathroom, he surely didn't need Jisung awake or overhearing his conversation.
But maybe his concern for Jisung shouldn't be directed only towards him.


"Yes... I know we had an agreement but-"


"Please, I really can't right now. We have a comeback i can't let them all down."


"I know it is dangerous and risky but please, give some more time."

"You could die Hyunjin! I promised to your mum I would help you have a certain quality of life but in no way would I let you die! I took this risk as to not do this upon me. Now, it is your time to behave like I did, with responsibility. I'm not going to let you die! You are like my child! I've known you since ten! You could die!"

*these cannot be heard by Minho*

"Please don't be so loud they could hear us!"

"It is time for you to tell them and if not they are going to know soon either way."

"Give me some time..."

"One month maybe less and each week we will have an appointment, and you are going to be honest in each one of them. Then we will find the proper medication for you and talk about a potential surgery. I just want you safe Hyunjin. I'll call you everyday. "

"Yes thank you! Thank you so much!"

He heard Hyunjin letting a breath of relief.
Minho knew it was time for him to go back to his room. On his way however he noticed another shadow in the dark.


"Shhh. He is going to know we heard. Let's go to the kitchen. "

"Okay... Do you think he is in some kind of trouble?"

"I don't know... it surely seems like it. O EM GE DO YOU THINK HE IS DOING DRUGS?!"

"Shush! Don't be so loud and use your brain Jisung. If he did drugs he would be kicked out long ago or sent into rehab and by Chan himself."

"You are right... do you think he is getting threatened by someone? He begged for some time so he won't let us down. Maybe..."

"Maybe they asked him for money or to do something that could put his career in danger?"

"Yeah... so he could protect as much as he could."

"Yeah... it makes sense. But still we talk about Hyunjin. Do you remember when Jeongin got threatened? He made that guy want to die with how he exposed him even the court was astonished by Hyunjin. He would surely do something if that was the case."

"And then? If this is not the case... then what could it be?"

"Maybe he got fired?"




"How do you..."

"I was suspicious and also overhead his and your's conversation."

"And what do you think?"

"You all have noticed his weight loss right?"

"Yeah...? Wait. Chan is this going where I think it's going?"

"Yes Jisung I think we all know what Chan means..."

"Maybe he tries to make a better version of himself while destroying it."

And from one day to another they started treating Hyunjin like a doll ready to be broken for a non-existant reason, and Hyunjin noticed. He really hated it.

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