XII. Completly Sunk

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"Wait, wait, stop! Mr. Andrews!" I stop Jack in his tracks as I spot a familiar figure standing in the dining room. 

"Oh, Y/n..." He stares at me in sorrow.

"Aren't you going to make a try for it?" I ask, stepping closer to his soft voice that was slightly trembling. 

"I'm sorry I didn't build you a stronger ship, young Y/n."

"Come on, Y/n. She's going down quick, we gotta keep moving." Jack tugs at my sleeve before getting interrupted by Mr. Andrews.

"Wait. Good luck to you, Y/n." He smiles slightly, handing me a lifebelt. 

"And to you too." I hug him lightly, very well knowing it would be the last time I would ever smell his natural scent of vanilla and cinnamon. I let go of his shoulders and take Jack by the hand, rushing out of the room. 


Jack and I peered over the railing of the ship as we saw the sternum being lifted off of the water.

"We need to stay on the ship for as long as possible! Come on!" He grips my hand yet again and runs for the tip of the ship. "Over the railing!" Jack helps me over and runs to the next railing. "Come on, I'll help you! Jump!" I feel my feet leave the ground as I jump, land on my feet, then fall flat on my stomach.

"I'll help you, miss." A humble man helps me off the ground and smiles at me. 

"Thank you, sir!" Jack grabs me again as we push our way through the thousands of people that were still on this boat.

Abruptly, there was a loud growing noise coming from beneath our feet as the lights begin flashing on and off. 

"Come on, Y/n! Gotta keep moving!" He lifts me and sets me on the stairs and climbs.

"I thought I walked through the valley of death." An elderly man moned, walking excruciatingly slow. 

"Would you like to walk a little fast through that valley of yours?!" Jack asked, pushing through to run in front of him. 

Jack leads me to the side of the boat, observing how deep the top of the boat was in the water. Sadly, my eyes drifted to the people jumping off the boat from the side, deciding for themselves that they had no choice. 

Jack tugs me to start running again but stops as he noticed many people on the ground and praying to God to save them. 

"This way!" Jack pushes my body up, struggling as the ship tips further and further up. "Come on! Come on, we made it to the rail! Grab it!" I lead my hand to the rail and traps my body against it to keep me as safe as possible. 

"It will be over soon. It will all be over soon." A mother cradled her baby boy's head in her chest, shushing his cries and knowing very well for what is to come. That means what their fate is must be ours...

"Jack... This is where we first met." I noticed, being reminded of the memory where we did first meet.

Jack just stares at my face then pulls me in to kiss my cheek then squishing his to the top of my head. 

As the stirnum continues to lift from the water, Jack and I watch in horror as innocent people fall to there death into the deapths of freezing water of the Atlantic. 

"Hang on, Y/n!" Jack yells as the boat is almost at a 90º angle. Suddenly, the ship rumbles and I feel as through I am gracefully flying through the air until we slam right back down into the water.

The screams of passengers were louder then ever at this point, the stirnum flying right back up into the air.

"Y/n, we have to move! We have to climb over!" Jack yells over the loud sound of screaming and splashing water. "Grab my hand! I'll pull you over!" 

"Jack, I can't! I'm too cold!"

"Yes you can, Y/n! Now grab my hand!" He reaches out and we link our hands together, him pulling me up and over the railing. "You did it, Y/n!" Jack grabs my waits and puts his body over me, attempting to keep me warm and succure. 

"We aren't moving! Jack, the boat isn't moving!" I exclaim, a small amount of hope in my voice, but soon the hope being completely extinguished when I feel the boat crashing down to the water at a quick pase. 

"This is it!" 

"What?! What do you mean, 'This is it'?!" 

"The ship is going to suck us down! Take a deep breath when I say!" Jack pauses, noticing the water coming closer and closer by the second. "Keep kicking for the surface and do not let go of my hand!" 

"Oh god! Oh, my god!" I scream, the water only 15 yards away. 

I take this small moment before plunging into the water to observe what my surroundings feel like.

Cold. Wet. And for some odd reason, I almost felt as though I was freefalling.

"We are going to make it, Y/n! Do you trust me?!" He takes my hand tighter, looking at me straight in the eyes. 

"I trust you! Always and forever!" I smile lightly along with him until falling back into completely seriousness.

"Ready?! Ready?! Now!" I fill my loungs with one large breath and sipress my screams as the freezing cold water hit my already shivering body. 

My body plunged far down into the water as I keep my contact with Jack, feeling him hold me close and pull me up to the surface but the water was to strong. Jack's grip on my lifebelt slipped and I felt his body slip away from mine. I reach out frantically for his hand but my lifebelt pushed me up to the surface. 

"Jack! Jack!" I gasped desperately, pushing myself through paniced passengers trying to find my love. "Jack where are you?!" I almost broke down sobbing but I knew I couldn't do that. That would just me giving up. "Jack! Jack! Where are you, Jack-!" I was cut off my my head being forced underwater, bobbing up and down. "No-!" I squeal as I lift my head above water only for it to be forced down again. Then I hear his voice.

"Y/n! Get off her! Get off her, now!" Jack punches the man and he lets go of my head, angerly swimming away.


"Y/n! Swim, Y/n! I need you to swim for me, okay!" He grabs me and pushes me through the freezing water. "Come on, Y/n. I need you to keep swimming for me!" 

"It's so cold! It's so cold, Jack!" 

"I know, Y/n. I just need you to keep swimming, alright?! Here." He pushes me to a wooden door far way from the large crowd. "Get on!" I push my body onto of the boat, successfully landing my back ontop of it.

"Okay, it's your turn, Jack." He begins lifting his body up until the door almost fully tips over, almost pushing me off.

"You stay, Y/n. Stay on there." He swims to the end of the door and hold my hand, resting his chin of the door.

"No! You are getting on." I firmly tell him. There is no way I am letting him stay in this freezing cold water.

"Y/n, the door is going to tip over. I can't." 

"Either you get on here or I am getting off."

"Y/n, no. You are staying in this door!" He states angerly, knowing that if I get off this door I would die.

"Not without you, I am not!" There was silence between us, making us realize how eerily quite the screams of people in the distance have gotten. "I am going to find a way to get you on this door." I climb to the other side of the door to balance the other side for his weight. "Now try."

Jack lifts his body yet again, the door staying still to our releaf. He struggles to move his body on the door form how stiff his mucels are from the cold. 

But finally... Jack is on safely. 

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