IX. Flooding

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"Mr. Andrews?! Mr. Andrews?! Hello?" I run frantically through the first-class halls. "Mr. Andrews, please! Mr. Andrews?! Oh, Mr. Andrews, thank god." I gasp slightly seeing his large figure. "Where did the master of arms take someone under arrest?"

"You must put on a life belt and get to a boat, now!"

"No! I'm doing this with or without your help, sir. Though without would take much longer." He hesitantly stares at me, obviously debating whether he should or should not give me the directions.

"Okay. Take the elevator all the way down, go left, down another left, there you should see a long hallway, at the end of that hallway there should be a door to your left." 

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I lightly let go of his shirt that I unknowingly was grasping on and run as fast as my legs could possibly allow to the elevator lifts.

"Excuse me ma'am but the lifts are closed." A very snotty, might I add, steward spat.

"I'm through with being polite, god damn it! Now, take me down now! Deck E!" I scream in his face and push him into the wall. I'm done with everybody's bullshit. I just need to find Jack and get him safe. 

I watch anxiously as we pass each floor that was eerily quiet from everyone rushing to the top deck. Suddenly, I hear a loud whooshing sound and I could feel my feet in my boots get wet. I look down to see water flooding the lift. 

"I'm going back up!" The steward screams and reaches for the nob.

"No! No!" I push his hands back then push open the lift doors, letting my legs drown in water.

"Miss! Come back! Please!" After a couple of seconds of me walking he realized I wasn't going back in and cowardly stepped further into the lift. "I'm going back up!"

I couldn't give a care in the world because all I was thinking about at this moment, was Jack.

"Hallway. Hallway..." I speak to myself out loud, trying to remember everything Mr. Andrews had told me. "Hallway!" I practically scream and push myself down the darkening corridor. "Left. Go left... Jack?!" I could barely feel my legs as I push them through the water. Jack was right. It hits you like a thousand knives. "Jack!? Jack?!" 

"Y/n! Y/n, I'm in here!" 


"Follow my voice, Y/n! I'm in here! I'm right here!" I followed his voice down the corridor until I was face to face with a white door, pushing it open I was finally confronted by Jack, handcuffed to a large pipe.

"Jack! Oh, my god, thank god I found you! I am so sorry! I'm so sorry I didn't believe you!"

I rush through the water to push his lips onto mine, hungrily. Oh god, it's only been an hour and I already missed the feeling of his soft lip gliding on mine.

"The guy Lovejoy put it in my pocket!"

"I know! I know! I know!" I yelp regretfully and pulled his face into my neck, hugging him lovingly. 

"Listen, Y/n, you are going to have to find a spare key, alright?! Right in there!" I move my way to a glass case with keys hanging by nails. "It's a silver one, Y/n!" I run my eyes up and down the bored but I could seem to find any silver ones.

"These are all brass!"

"Keep looking!" I frantically open different drawers and rip through cabinets to find this damn key. "Y/n, how did you find out I didn't do it?" 

"I didn't. I just realized I already knew." I smile genuinely then go back to ripping out papers and knickknacks from a drawer. "No key... There's no key!"

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