The Void State

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So recently on my fyp I've seen a lot of videos on "the void state" and the vids were either says how much it helped them shift or "ive been trying to shift for a fucking year how tf am i just now learning about the void state" so I'm gonna explain it in this chapter.

The Void State is a state where you are pure consciousness. Honestly to say it in writing it seems kinda simple.

To get to this state you must lay down in a comfortable position and steady your breathing. You'll know when your in the void state, just trust your gut. Symptoms include feeling like your slowly falling or floating but they

To shift by entering the void state, lay down with the intention that you will shift once you enter the void. Steady your breathing and just Kay there until you are completely relaxed.

Some affirmations you can say are:
"I am pure consciousnesses"
"I have enter the void state"
"I am not attached to any one reality"

Again, trust yourself. You'll know once you've entered the void. One you have, start saying your shifting affirmations(such as "I have shifted" and "I am in my desired reality") Manifestations come true almost instantly in the void state so once you open your eyes you should be in your dr.

I hope this was helpful!

Yours truly, Phoenix <3

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