The Meerkat Inquisition - I

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Dedicated to idareya2, for their suggestion that I write about "a meerkat pope, complete with inquistion." I'm not going to lie, I had to do some research for this one: watching Meerkat Manor, and also reading up on the inquisition. It's a bit longer that usual, but I hope you enjoy it regardless. =)


Seth's whiskers twitched. The sun had not yet peaked through the thick branches of Moire, and the air still held the night's chill. Framed by his burrow's walls,  Moire stood center. Its ancient white form stretched up into the sky, standing watch over the world. The day would become busy: there was lots of maintenance to be done on the new burrow. Seth  savoured the rare moment of solitude.  After all, there would be plenty of time to be with Rita in the days and nights to come.

The sentry's all-clear bark sounded. As soft tendrils of orange began to caress the sky, Seth left his burrow. He sought out Rita, passing by his family and friends who were grooming each other in the growing light, waiting for the  morning ceremony to begin. Finding the slender form of his mate, he greeted her with a submissive growl. Rita's delicate ears twitched in acknowledgement. She bared her teeth affectionately as he approached. Seth shooed her attendants away, and began grooming her fur. it always helped to be in favour with the leader.

"Good morning," she said, leaning into his deftly grooming paws.

"Every morning with you is a good morning," he replied.

He glanced down at her pup-swollen belly. They would be born any day now, and the whole clan would pitch in to help. He looked around. everyone was here. Except Eva, of course. He felt a twinge of guilt, and pushed it away. Nothing could bring Eva back.

When the sun lit up Moire with the full brilliance of its light, the morning worship began. Facing its gargantuan form, lean bodies stood on two legs, solemnly taking their pledge: reaffirming their connection with Moire; keeping watch over the world, just as it did. Seth inched closer to Rita, allowing her to lean against him. Further down the hill Seth could see his litter-mate Drake watching him with jealous eyes. He shrugged it off, focussing his attention back on Rita. Seth leant back on his tail for balance.  It was moments like this when he felt closest to Miore. Rays of sunlight spread across his fur like invisible tongues. Seth sighed, content. This was the life.

No sooner had the thought crossed his mind, Seth noticed a host of seven meerkats galloping towards the clan with frightening efficiency. Danger. Seth let out a warning bark. He noticed their tails: upright and weaving through the gentle grassland. And white.

I don't believe it. Seth thought.  Their clay-dipped tails marked the approaching outsiders as members of a clan that belonged only in legend and horror stories: warriors and prophets of Moire itself. Admiration and uneasiness washed over him. What were they doing here?

Rita gave the signal for the clan to gather together. They drew together at the top of the mound, watching the approaching intruders.

The outsiders stopped a few Meer lengths away from the clan.  A gaunt female broke off them. Remnants of a snake bite puckered the skin around her clay-rimmed eyes, the clay a shocking white against the darkness of her fur.

 "I am Kith, prophet of Miore," she growled. "Who here is Seth?"

A feeling of uneasiness churned in his stomach. Seth looked around uneasily, and stepped forward. "I am."

"Seth of the Risen clan," she addressed him."You have been charged with heresy, in your denial of the one true watcher of the world-"

"-What? No!"  Seth couldn't believe what he was hearing. "There's got to be some sort of mistake!"

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