Chapter 2 - I Am

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My name is Laverne Ingerman.

I was born of winter's pale. I am of the blood of Elaran.

I have resurrected Averis and Azriel, entered the void and leapt through time.

I am the High King of Elven Guard and the King of Arün. I survived the poachers of Deadman's Peak and what historians called the Great Fire of Arün. I am the son of the man who brought the elves out of fifteen thousand years of darkness; and I tried bringing him back to life.

Let me tell you a story, a story that everybody in Oriande knows. Nobody knows the true story; they are not me. They only know bits and pieces. They don't know what it felt like or how it was to be there in that moment. I can tell you that better than anyone else.

This is the story of how Laverne Ingerman remembered who he was. 

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