Please be ok pt1

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Continuation from last chapter

Everyone's Pov

Brainy scooped Nia up in his arms and both him and Lexie flew straight to the Deo. When they both arrived at the Deo Brainy called J'onn and told him Nia had fainted. J'onn told Brainy to stay calm and he will try to help her as much as he could. Lexie was just standing there she kept thinking about how she could've helped Nia sooner than she did. J'onn kept trying everything he could until he told Brainy he needs to call Alex. Brainy walked over to Lexie and asked her to call Alex for him since he was an emotional wreak. Lexie called Alex and there phone call was pretty quick.

Lexies and Alexs Phone call

A: hello

L: Hi Aunt Alex

A: Lexie whats wrong why are you calling me from Brainy's phone?

L: Aunt Nia fainted and Papa J'onn said you need to come to the Deo now.

A: Ok Lex tell him I'm on my way.

L: Ok I will. Bye Aunt Alex

A: Bye Lex

Everyones pov

Lexie had just gotten off the phone with Alex and she told Brainy and J'onn she was on her way. Just as Lexie said that she saw both her mom and Alex fly into the Deo. Alex ran into the room where Nia was and Brainy followed. Lexie tried to run out of the Deo but she heard her mom say " Lexie wait please".  Lexie stopped where she was and turned around and said " what do you want mom"? Kara said I just wanna talk".  Lexie said in a mild tone " I don't now leave me alone".

Lexie flew out of the Deo and as she was flying away she heard a lot of chaos going on down by the bank so she decided to check it out. As she was flying down she heard her mom's voice coming through her coms. Lexie heard her mom saying " Lexie don't go down there those guys have kryptonite." Lexie decided to listen to her mom and she flew back to the Deo. As she was flying back to the Deo the guys who had kryptonite saw her flying and they held up a piece of it and Lexie started to feel weak but she tried to push past the pain. Lexie was doing a pretty good job at hiding the pain until the guys who had kryptonite shot her.

Lexie screamed in pain and saw green veins forming on her hands. Lexie heard her mom's voice through her coms again saying " Lexie what happened are you ok?" Lexie said in a weak tone " yeah I'm ok I'm just gonna try to fly back to the Deo." Kara said " ok I'll be waiting for you ".  Lexie flew into the Deo and as she landed her mom sped over to her and called out for Alex. Lexie kept going in and out of consciousness until she felt the piece of kryptonite being pulled out of her.

Lexie's Pov

As the piece of kryptonite was being pulled out of my side I quickly grabbed my moms hand and gripped it with all the strength I had left. Before I blacked out I heard my mom say " Lex I'm so sorry please forgive me."  Then everything went black.

Everyones Pov

Alex and Kara both walked out the room and Kara started to cry. She just kept saying how its her fault Lexie got shot, Nia fainting, and Mon-el leaving. Alex kept trying to comfort her by saying " its not your fault Kara".  Kara kept denying everything Alex said until she got up and walked out the room.  Kara walked into the training room where her and Lexie would train.

Kara started to punch the punching bag until Lexie walked in and said " mom what are you doing in here?  Kara whipped her head around and ran up to Lexie and gave her a huge hug. Lexie said " mom can you stop hugging me please my side still kinda hurts." Kara quickly put Lexie down and said " sorry I just really missed you".  As Lexie was walking out she quietly said " I missed you to mom". 

Nia's pov

I was just laying in this boring room until I saw Lexie run up to me and give me a huge hug.  I heard Lexie say " your ok I thought I lost you forever." I rubbed her back and said " your not getting rid of me that easy Lex." As we separated from our hug I asked her what happened to your side?  Lexie told me she got shot by a kryptonite gun and she's not allowed to use her powers for two days.

Everyones Pov

It's been about two hours since the whole Lexie getting shot and Nia fainting incident. Today was also game night so everyone went to Kara's house and they played charades, heads up, and hang-man. Everyone was having a good time until Kara changed into her supergirl suit and flew straight out of the house. Lexie tried to follow her but Alex wouldn't let her. Lexie said " please Aunt Alex I need to go after her".  Alex said " Lex you are still hurt and I'm not letting you go".  Lexie said" well can we at least go to the Deo so we can track her." Alex agreed and let Lexie fly her to the Deo.

As everyone walked into the Deo Lexie tried to locate her mom. She even tried talking to her through her coms. Nothing was working until she saw a huge ship that looked exactly like her dads. Lexie immediately tried to get everyone's attention but it wasn't working so she used her heat vision and hit the wall.  Alex yelled " Lexie Danvers you better have a good reason for using your powers without my permission." Lexie said" I do but can everyone please look outside.

Everyone turned there heads and looked out the window and saw Mon-el's ship landing. Then Kara ripped the door off and said "Mon-el where are you"?  Kara heard Mon-el's voice saying " over here" Lexie tried to talk to her mom through her coms one last time. Lexie said " mom what happened are you and dad ok."  Kara said " Lex tell Alex to have medical on stand by." Lexie said " what why".  Kara yelled " your dad is dying ".  

Lexie looked at Alex and said " we need medical on stand by now".

Hey guys I hope you all are having a good winter break ( if your in school ).  I really need ideas for this next chapter because I'm having real writer's block rn. So can you guys please comment some things you want to see in the next upcoming chapters? I hope you all have a good holidays I'll see you later bye guys.

~Love Semaj

Ps did anyone see Spider-Man no way home yet if not your missing out. If you do go see it bring tissues.

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