Are you Alright?

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Tw: Mentions of sleep deprivation and not eating

( sorry if this offends anyone) 

Three months later ( from the last chapter)

Everyone's Pov

Lexie had just finished her training with Clark and his boys. After Clark left she just kept training and training non-stop. While she was still training her mom walked in and said'' Lex don't you think that's enough training for the day. You've been training non-stop for the past two days." Lexie didn't even hear a word of what her mother had just said so she just kept going until Kara stopped her.

Kara grabbed Lexie and asked her " when was the last time you've slept... or eaten honey?" Lexie replied by shrugging her shoulders. Kara decided to take Lexie home so she could shower, get some sleep, and ect. As Kara and Lexie were about to leave Nia walked in and asked Lexie " hey do you wanna help me and Brainy with this huge project we're doing?"

Lexie said" umm maybe later if thats ok with you. Nia said " yeah I'm totally fine with it I will just have to let Brainy know first." Lexie shook her head in agreement and walked out of the Deo.

Kara's Pov

Once Lexie and I got into the car I saw her looking out the window and admiring the outside world. I asked her " why are you just staring out the window. It's not like you haven't seen this stuff before." Lexie said " I know it's just really pretty". I just rolled my eyes and kept on driving.

When we got home Lexie ran straight to her room. I yelled " Lex wait". Lexie slammed her room door and I started to follow her. I knocked on the door and said " Lexie please let me in. I need to talk to you." I heard Lexie crying and it made me really worried. I asked Lexie one more time to let me in and she finally let me in.

When I opened the door I saw her sitting on her bed with her knees pulled into her chest and tears running down her face.

Everyone's Pov

Kara sat next to Lexie and tried to calm her down by anything means necessary. Lexie just kept crying and crying until Kara asked her " are you okay Lex?" Lexie replied in a quiet voice" no mom, no I'm not." Kara gave Lexie a big hug and whispered into her ear " it's ok I'm gonna help you in any way I can ok." Lexie just shook her head up and down.

Then she started dozing off in her mom's arms so Kara laid her down and quietly walked out of her room. Kara decided that she should call Alex since she needed to tell someone about Lexie's sleep deprivation. 

Kara's and Alex's Phone Call

( K=Kara and A=Alex)

A: " Hello"

K: " Hey Alex, I think somethings wrong with Lex."

A: " Kara, what do you mean there is something wrong with Lexie."

K:" Alex I don't think she's getting enough sleep or eating".

A: "Kara, are you sure?"

K: Yes, I'm sure.

A:" Ok well tell me what happened earlier today because Nia told me that Lexie was looking a bit tired."

K: " Ok so earlier today I saw Lexie training and she just kept training and training even after Clark and the boys left. Not to mention she kept dozing off everytime she kept talking to me".

A: "Well Kara I don't know what to tell you. I'll try to come over later today and see if I can talk to her."

K: " Ok I'll see you later then ".

𝗠𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗱 (𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now