Chapter Fourteen

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So the image attached is kind of what I picture Jaxon to look like, maybe not so much in the face but his hair is exactly what I picture it to be like. I've had a few people message me about what I thought my characters looked like. I based Jaxon off this man I found on google (if anybody had a name PLEASE let me know!) and I picture Olivia to look like Demi Lovato (bit younger in her face) with her short black hair.

Also, I haven't properly edited this but it's been a few days since my last update so I decided to publish this chapter. I appologise for any grammer errors, please feel free to point them out so I can go back and fix them.

Other wise, read ahead and please don't forget to vote, comment and share if your enjoying 'Seize'


'Don't be so fucking ridiculous.' Jaxon scoffed at me, taking one large stride towards me and closing the distance separating the two of us. He stuck his arms out, instantly pulling me in tight to his body as he gave me no room to move around and forcing me to stay grounded in his arms. I felt a small stab of hurt wash over me from his words knowing they meant he knew I wasn't strong enough to do such a thing, but that could be helped. I could be trained or taught how to defend myself and attack another magic user.

'Why not?' I spat at him, squirming in his hold and trying to push backwards. I looked up at him, craning my neck upwards to give him my best harsh glare only to be held even tighter to his body, if that was even possible.

'I'm not going to let you go and try to kill some man.' He declared as if it was the most reasonable thing to say.

'You hypocrite,' I spat at him, my arms squirming at my sides so I could get out of his hold but I failed. 'Let go of me.' I hissed up at him. 'I said let go!' I yelled as loudly as I could. For a second Jaxon's hold loosened and I grasped hold of the opportunity and shoved my hands forcefully against his chest, not moving him too far away but giving myself enough space to take a step back and create distance between us.

'How can you say that? You kill people on a regular basis. INNOCENT people, this boss isn't innocent at all.' My words were growing louder and louder with each word I spoke.

'I have this thing called sorcery darling, something you don't have and require to take down whoever did this.' His voice stayed quiet as his mocking words brang my blood to a boil due to my anger.

How could he possibly make me feel so weak and useless at a time like this? I just watched my brother die, something many people don't go through and I feel as helpless as trying to use only a small glass of water to extinguish a burning mansion. I could do nothing against those men, their powers being enough to restrain not only myself but if it hadn't been able to restrain me, there was no way I could stop three fully grown men. I knew that in my mind as it had been a continuous thought running through it constantly since it happened, but with Jaxon unknowingly pointing it out I felt like even more shit then before if that was even possible.

'Well then you're going to have to help me here, aren't you?' I said through gritted teeth, knowing he unconsciously wanted me to admit I needed his help.

'We'll figure something out. A way to trap them and I'll personally be the one to kill him. You're either with me here Jaxon, or I'll find some way to do it by myself or die trying.' I spoke my words with so much conviction and determination that Jaxon's hard face faltered for a second, appearing somewhat sad before he straightened it up again.

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