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It has been ten full years since graduation.

Time really runs fast after high school.

Ryujin could have sworn graduation had been just last week and now she was hesitating to confirm her presence for their 10 years high school reunion.

A lot had changed since, yet nothing had.

Her friend group for the most part was the same as it had been back then. Somehow they had managed to continue being friends despite not being forced to spend hours in the same building.

Chaeryeong, Lia, Yuna and her.

They had gone through high school together and their friendship withstood the test of time and adulthood.

Despite adverse conditions such as Ryujin's career.

Looking at the facebook invite, Ryujin tapped her chin curiously. Did the people from her high school know of her career path? Would they act any different? Also, who even uses facebook anymore? She supposed it at least offers some nostalgia.

Looking over at those who had confirmed their attendance, Ryujin saw her friends amongst the many confirmations and smiled. Yet her eyes continued to scan it, looking for someone she hadn't seen since.

Honestly, she wasn't going to attend.

High school reunions weren't really her thing. Not that she had attended any before, but surely they would be far from entertaining.

It was just a bunch of people pretending to be content with their miserable lives, trying to convince everyone around them that they're better now than they were back then, when in reality most of them had peaked in high school.

Miserable and sad.

Yet her friend group had insisted on attending and Ryujin had run out of excuses after having been tricked into confirming she was available that weekend.

Sneaky Lia hadn't informed Ryujin of their reunion and she fell right into her trap.

So there she was, confirming her attendance on a platform she hadn't accessed since her high school days. Filling yet another glass of wine and already dreading the incoming day when she would find herself standing in her high school once again.

Thoughts going through her mind about the reunion. Worries that too many would recognize and bother her. But most of these thoughts focused on one person and whether or not she would be attending. After all, she had been the only reason why Ryujin would even consider actually showing up.

Opening her twitter account, Ryujin posted a random video of herself singing her hit song and watched as thousands of interactions came flowing in. Sighing at how empty it made her feel.

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