23: Dahlia

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"How?" Phineas asked.

Xo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "you lack understanding, and will never understand. Now, where is he?"

Sado shot up speed-walking towards the stairs and Xo followed her. She knocked on Oxias' door but got no response, she exchanged a look with Xo, instead, she got a glare, she twisted the handle letting the old man in and retreating to the side of the door.

Xo walked into a room filled with ashes, even on the bed. He cleared his throat to get Oxias' attention, rather the young King looked right into his orbs with scorn.

"Tell me what happened here?" He took out his magical clipboard and pen again. Oxias kept staring at him with so much hate reflecting in his iris.

"They let me know that you were arrogant and won't stop treating them like your pet." He started expecting a reaction but got none.

He sighed. "Listen here child, if you ever want to get out of this you better behave and learn! This is all your fault to start with so fix the issue!" He points out.

"Who were the fools that thought it was a wise idea to send me down to earth? You people! I was good where I was and for your information, I have no intention to change any bit! Look at what they've done to me! I was a great King, mighty among the others, the people were unworthy to behold me! Now I go about on the street as a pathetic beggar, dressed as humans, enduring their nonsense! How much longer?! How much longer will this last?! An eternity?! My people need me! You're wise I suppose? Now break the spell and free me." Oxias set his chained hands out as he fixed Xo, still enraged.

"You brought this upon yourself, you have no conscience, that's not the attitude of a ruler, if we hadn't taken the action, no population would be left behind thanks to your hunger for power and souls. I won't free you but I'll give you a hint, the moment you'll find a conscience that's the day the bracelet would let loose. The bracelet functions according to your heart, it knows your intentions, only true repentance would break the spell, now you know." He cleared his throat.

"And you better start with behaving and stop causing havoc."

Oxias' frown only deepened. "You love the fact that I'm chained like a dog, you all do, and you only care about my throne! Selfish old fools!" He spat.

Xo shook his head. "The only reason we're not casting you in hell is because we made a promise, in exchange for a life a life was bought. Your father." Xo paused when he saw Oxias' face had softened and his eyes were almost wide open, he read excitement in his gaze for a second before it was enveloped with wrath.

"Depart from my sight! I don't want to hear anything about them! If you had come to speak of them well, I don't want to see your face ever!" He barked.

Xo knew it wasn't just an ordinary tantrum, he had touched him where it burned, the subject of his parents was like an open wound, that wouldn't scar, but the young King rather shield it and not allow anything to poke it. He defended it like a furious beast biting and snapping at any help.

Xo glared at him. "The day you would open up and listen, maybe that day your bracelet would drop! And I don't want to see or hear any more complaints about you except you want me to equally take your new powers." Xo half yelled, Oxias look didn't soften a bit, he had the look of a drooling beast.

"When you have your mind together, you might as well want to read this letter." Xo held the lady elf's letter up, which didn't help the situation, so he dropped it on the table at the side of the door.

"Until next time." He turned around and disappeared. Only appearing on the first floor.

"Listen here you three reckons. Do all in your power to help him." Those were his last words before he evaporated.

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