Chaerhyun's Love Story:Chap. 1

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When Ryujin is unconscious
Lee Chaeryoung

"Where is she?Where is Ryu Unnie?"

Yuna exclaimed as we entered the Choi's mansion after seeing the news that Ryu Unnie collapse in her ex-Fiancé's arms

Seeing Ryu Unnie in an unconscious state making me feel anxious... I-I realise that this the price she had to pay for hiding everything from everyone

A terrible price that she had to pay....for the secrets that she held in her shoulders for years

How about me?

What a price should I pay for me hiding my identity also?

For coveting someone else's Fiancé?

I'm going crazy...

"Chaer, it's gonna be fine... Ryu will be fine, Lia has finish checking her up" Yeji Unnie told me as I sigh

I want to ran away...

But what if, I'll have prices to pay if I ran away?

I'm scared...

"Chaer Unnie, do you want to relax first?" Yuna ask me as I probably guessed that she had known that I'm troubled

"Yuna... What shall I do? I want to ran away far... I want my mind to relax, because of Ryu's condition, I'm afraid that I'll be losing my mind..." I told her with desperation in my eyes

"How about going to a cruise? It will be held next month in Philippines and there will be a total of a month if travelling over Asia, is it OK?" Yuna told me as I looked at her while blinking my eyes

"No need to ran away Unnie, you just need to relax for a short period of time, I've been there... Running away won't solve our problem, so please take my advise and go" she told me as I sigh and nodded

"I'll give it a go, but first we need to handle Ryu's problem, she has been shouldering these problems for years without anyone knowing it's time for us to protect her this time as she did for us" I stated as everyone agreed

A cruise?

A month of travelling?

Is it enough for me to think of my relationship with Tae Oppa?

I hope that nothing will go wrong...

Kang Taehyun

"Hyung, you've been distress these days, how about going on a cruise adventure that will be held in the Philippines? I think its enough time for you to relax?"

Tell me, what am I doing here again?

I thought and stared at the big cruise infront of me along with different people all over the world who wants to explore the beauty of Asia

I entered the cruise and sign up by the register, to ask for my room, a cruise with hundreds of rooms

And hundreds of strangers in it...

"Your in room 345 Mr. Kang, enjoy your trip"

I only gave me the receptionist a smile and I went to find my room... how Chaer's name was numbered

I'm going crazy...

I'm getting Loco...

I expected that I had found my room earlier than expected, so I head to bed today

But what shook me... Is that, I've seen Chaer...

When I went to the restaurant to have dinner... I saw her figure... Her smile, her hair color

At first I thought I'm just hallucinating... But as I stare at her.. I realize I'm not

Chaer's here...

She's in this cruise...

And I planned.. To take her back...

Now that noone is hindering us...

I've got Chaeyoon's blessing already... So it's fine...

All I need is her answer.

Chaer's answer...

And I never thought that I'm slowly approaching her...


I called out.. My mouth is saying it... She slowly turning around and lock eyes with me


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