not an update just clarifications

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Okay so Uhhh....

A lot of people have been paying attention to this book a lot and I don't know why yet that's cool ig

I only actually have time to clarify this now as I've only realized this now. This... Is a crack au.
And a crack ship. This was never an actual supposedly serious thing that my 8-9 year old was intending but got a bit too... Well deep.

It's also wasn't my intent to put such horrible thing like rape and abuse to such light too and I hope you realize that this was sort of part of my coping mechanism?? It's strange, weird, shitty I know.
I'm truly sorry if anyone has been actually triggered by these things that my younger self has put. Although I'm not too sure of what I should be doing with this book anymore and these topics that are triggering...

I want you guys to help me with this one. Because you're the viewer, I'm supposed to entertain you guys and make you people happy and all and have a good time and not do shit things like this. I hope all of this makes sense as It doesn't much to me as I'm writing this in the middle of 4 a.m. in the morning. I got a fucked up sleep schedule I know

I apologize for my past mistakes. I was hoping to do this sooner yet only had the chance to do this now as I got the time to do so....
I'm sorry.

This has been Elliot.... signing out, and Goodnight.

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