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a week had passed since then , Takemichi never call her even once so she believed that he was doing greatly fine since he's with Brahman 

she puffed out the silvery smoke from her mouth while watching the gloomy sky at the vendor with a black cardigan hugging her figured , the sky start to raining out of sudden

after went back to Japan , she decided to focus towards her study and told everyone that she'll take a hiatus until the day she graduate 

" Hiro ? '' kento slide the door and went outside the vendor which earned a glanced from the younger girl 

'' hey .''she greeted

'' no but i think you need to hear this that Rokuha-'' he was about to inform her about something until her phone start to ringing 

but the girl didn't realize it was her phone cause she assumed it was his phone since sh she already turn off her phone since last week 

" someone is calling you .'' she spat while eyes still stuck at the gloomy sky 

" ugh it's your phone , ratface !'' he gritted his teeth and went inside back leaving the girl dumbfounded alone at the vendor 

'' man is on his period .'' she rolled her eyes and went to take her phone that was laying on the table as she quickly pick up the call after saw the name 

it was Takemichi , he've been calling her since two hours ago 

" it's takemichi . I'm going to summarize this quickly , something bad is going happened !"

'' shut up , i don't care .'' 

" what if it was about Senju ? "

" Damn you got me there  , send me the location right now .'' 


" what the hell is happening ?! '' hiro furiously shouted as she hopped from the bike and quickly run towards the incident . her eyes widened the moment she saw Draken got escorted into the ambulance 

he was unconscious with three bullets shot on his chest 

'' Draken ..? '' her voice cracked , refusing to believed the sight in front of her , Takemichi was sobbing like crazy while the parademic keep pushing him aside 

'' how is he ?! '' takemichi ask

'' i'm sorry but we couldn't save him .'' they exclaimed 

'' i'm late again.'' she pathetic chuckled as the helmet smoothly slipped from her slippery hand , she felt sick as ever . 

all of those sorrowful memory suddenly flashed inside of her brain , shinichiro , Baji , Emma , Izana  , Haruto  and now Draken ? Izana death affected her a lot with regretted filling inside of her rage until today , she was so selfish and immature at back then but what can she do about it ? she was only a child at back then 

it's just feel like everyone is leaving this world one by one 

'' Hiroko ? '' senju froze 

'' who did this ? '' she blankly ask 

'' i don't really but i think it's Ro-'' Senju muttered 

'' Rokuhara Tanda is it ? '' she cut her word 

they nodded 

'' i'll kill him .'' Hiro state without any reaction 

" Are you crazy ?! i know how angry you're right now but he's not something easy that you expect !" Takemichi hold her wrist while senju nodded agreeing with the boy 

she tch her mouth and glared at both of them , fuck are they underestimate me now ?

" fuck off , cowards . He kill our friend and you expected me to stay calm like an idiot ?! this is the future you can't change anymore ! so please wake tf up and face the reality Takemichi !'' she slapped his away and yelled out of her lungs , clenching her jaw with vein popping at her both hand 

they both immediately went speechless , it was their first time seeing this kind of expression of her 

Takemichi clenched his fist as he look down at the ground 

she glared at him for a second and stormed off from there but Senju managed to grabbed her wrist before she have the chance to walk away from there 

'' wait !'' 

'' what ? '' 

'' Brahman will join the fight , there's no way i will let you fight that maniac alone '' said senju 

I'm sorry if I keep reposting the ff ;/

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