Ninth year

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In the second half of the summer, Fenriz spends a lot of time at Riddle Manor, building up the Mating Bond he shares with Tom and Mattheo.

When Sirius had heard about how Fenriz had gone through his inheritance, he blew up, swearing so badly a sailor would've blushed.

But thankfully, Remus was able to calm him down before he did something he'd regret.

Tom Riddle Sr is happy that his sons have such a strong Mate, but also unhappy by how they were forced into their inheritances, glaring at Umbridge when he's attending Wizengamot sessions.

Tom and Mattheo continue courting Fenriz, giving him only the finest things, making Fenriz fall for them even more.

By the time the new school year comes round, their Mate Bond is so strong, they are almost able to read each other's thoughts, but not quite yet.

They get their own room at Hogwarts as so to not put unnecessary strain on their bond. They share all their classes as well, which really helps things, especially when they find out that Umbridge is back again, and more determined than ever to get Fenriz's bracelet.

Fenriz gives her a look of the deepest loathing and claps a hand over his bracelet.

Tom discreetly puts a special charm on it, preventing anyone other than Fenriz or Jameson taking it off. Fenriz smiles at his older Dominant Mate, thanking him.

During the first DADA lesson of the year, Umbridge keeps trying to take Fenriz's bracelet, obviously not having learned her lesson last year and the bracelet zapping her whenever she touches it.

After class, Fenriz tells professor Snape what's going on, and he becomes just as livid as Sirius was, because he knows just how special Fenriz's bracelet is to him.

He physically drags Dolores to Dumbledore's office, demanding that he fire her.

"Why is that necessary Severus? She hasn't-"

"Yes she has Dumbledore. She keeps trying to take Fenriz's bracelet, which is very important to him, given to him by someone he holds dear, and will not stop, even though he has told her repeatedly to stop. He even blew up at her at the beginning of last year for doing the exact same thing."

"Boys shouldn't wear jewellery, and it'll look better on me anyway."

Fenriz snarls at the woman, putting his hand on Lucas' tattoo, ready to call forth his wolf, only a hand on his shoulder from Mattheo calms him enough to keep a clear head, preventing him from summoning his wolf to rip the woman's throat out.

"Madame Umbridge, you clearly don't understand, that bracelet isn't just a bracelet, it's a way for Fenriz to keep in contact with a boy he formed a brotherly bond with during his time in Ilvermorny. This bracelet is a way for him to know that his little brother is okay."

She shrugs, obviously not caring or listening to the explanation, just about the bracelet.

"They could owl each other. Give me the bracelet Mr Potter."

"No, we can't just 'owl each other'. Ilvermorny is in America, and if something were very wrong, it would be too late for me to go help Jamie by the time an owl would arrive. I'm not giving you my bracelet."

She glares at Fenriz, lunging for his wrist, clearly determined to get the bracelet. Fenriz's wings come out and he flies up, well out of her reach.

At that very moment, the fireplace flares into life, and the Minister, as well as Sirius and Remus step out, having received an urgent summons from Severus, who wisely contacted them just before he dragged Umbridge to Dumbledore's office.

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