Fourth year

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When Fenriz tells the Ilvermorny population about him transfering in a few years, they are understandably upset.

"Listen guys, I love it here, I really do, but I have a Twin brother at Hogwarts, and it's been three years since I've seen him every day, minus the holidays, which is really straining our Twin Bond. I also have someone there I want to give hell too, because he would've seen my brother and I grow up in a state of misery. I'll keep in contact, but I need to get back to Britain permanently. You still have me for this year and next year.

Now, I need someone who will keep the exercise club running when I leave. Since all of you love it so much, I don't want it to die out when I go."

Several students in each year level put their names forward, so Fenriz spends some time each club session teaching them how to run the club at the different year levels and how to motivate everyone the way he does.

Harry meanwhile, shares the news of Fenriz transfering to Draco.

"Man, that is awesome. Both Potter Twins in one school. Who knows what'll happen. Especially since you two were raised by Sirius, who was a Marauder, and is a Black."

"Yeah. I know for a fact that Fenriz is planning to make a big entrance. He told me about it on the last day of summer. He wants my help refining it so it's completely perfect by the time he comes to Hogwarts."

"Can I have some input?"

"I don't see why not Draco. Oh shoot, we need to go, it's almost time for Potions!"

As Draco and Harry run toward the dungeons, Harry thinks about his Twin brothers' plan. He wants to sing to a muggle song called Ways to be Wicked, dance a bit and just all round make a statement.

Over the year, Harry notices the Riddle Twins watching him more often, obviously curious about him or his Twin, but he's not sure which one.

His question is answered one day, after Quidditch practice, when he is pulled aside by Tom, the older of the Riddle Twins.

"Potter, we know about your Twin. What is he like?"

Harry rolls his eyes at the authoritative way Tom talks to him, something he's clearly learned from his father.

"You'll find out when he transfers. Hold your horses."

Mattheo, the younger Twin narrows his eyes at Harry.

"Listen, we aren't very patient. We want to know if your brother could be a potential partner for us."

"You'll have to wait. Now if you'll excuse me, the first years are waiting for me in the ROR. It's time for their fitness class."

Harry shoulders past the Slytherin Princes, not wanting to let down the first years. They're always so excited about the fitness sessions.

Fenriz is currently sitting with Jameson, who is telling him all about his new parents and how they took him travelling for the first time in his life. Fenriz decides to take the plunge and ask the question that's been gnawing at him since he decided to transfer.

"Jameson, are you okay with me transfering to Hogwarts for my sixth year?"

He really wants to know that Jameson won't suffer without him.

"I'll be okay Fenriz. Mum and Dad have taught me some coping techniques for if the memories begin resurfacing."

Fenriz sighs with relief. He's so thankful for Jameson's new parents.

"That's good Jameson. I'm so proud of you."

Jameson smiles at Fenriz. He's grown to see him as an older brother over the last couple of years, but he understands that Fenriz needs to get back to Britain, where his Twin is currently living full time, where his godfathers are, where the man who destroyed his parents is, the man who would've seen him and his Twin grow up in misery.

He is so glad for the older boy's assistance and presence. Without him, he might still be with his abusive parents. But because of him, he has parents who actually care about him, and are helping him with his PTSD.

Fenriz has helped so many students here at Ilvermorny and the entire population will be sad to see him go, but they understand he has a family back in Britain, a family he misses dearly.

Fenriz continues his pattern of helping anyone who asks for it, run the exercise club, keeping his grades at perfection and communicate with his family every night for a few hours.

Harry is doing the same thing, only he's also having to avoid the Riddle Twins' questions about Fenriz.

They are becoming increasingly persistent, cornering him at any given opportunity, trying to get him to tell them about Fenriz.

He's managed to avoid them so far, keeping beside Draco most of the time, which is easy since they share classes, leaving the Quidditch changing rooms as quickly as possible after practices and games, and keeping away from them during their exercise classes.

He tells Fenriz of this, and his brother tells him to throw them one scrap of information and tell them his name.

Harry does, and the Riddle Twins back off for a while, but they soon come back for more information.

Harry keeps quiet, wanting his brother to make his entrance and surprise them rather than him tell them everything about him.

One day, after an exercise class, Mattheo, the younger of the Twins asks him about Fenriz again.

"Listen Mattheo, my brother will be joining us for sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth year. You can find out all about him in sixth year. He wants to make an entrance, one unlike anything Hogwarts has ever seen before. Just be patient."

Mattheo nods, and leaves to tell Tom what Harry just said. Tom is understandably annoyed, but once Mattheo mentions the arrival unlike anything Hogwarts has ever seen, he nods, also seeing the truth in Harry's words.

The Riddle Twins are both gay, but other than each other, they have never seen another boy at this school or any other, that meets their standards.

They are hoping that Harry's brother will meet their standards. They are hoping that he will be the one who will become their love, their Sub.

From what little Harry has told them, his Twin is a kind, caring young man, who has been raised to appreciate children and other people, who is like Harry when it comes to helping other people who need it.

Their father has approved their pursuit of Harry's brother, saying that Fenriz is just like their mother, who the Riddle Twins have only seen and spoken to a portrait of. She died during childbirth, so the Riddle Twins have only ever seen her portrait.

Even though Harry is supposed to be the one to kill their father, he has been raised in such a way that has put him firmly out of Dumbledore's grasp.

Harry would be a suitable candidate, but he is with Draco Malfoy most of the time, which will probably morph into love and end up with them being married.

At Ilvermorny Fenriz is currently training his seventh year replacement, a current sixth year.

He's decided that each year level should have their own instructor, who is in their year. Except the first and second years, who will have a third year instructor, who will train a second year to replace them when they move up to fourth year.

That summer, Harry, Fenriz and Draco plan Fenriz's entrance to Hogwarts for almost the entire time before the day comes for school shopping, then it's time for them to go to school again for fifth year.

The Lupin-Black family continues the tradition of seeing Harry off before Remus apparates Fenriz to Ilvermorny for the last time.

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