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June 20th 2018.

"Hey it's me Amara. This is from my note which means I'm now gone. I'm gone forever, I will never come back and see you or your text messages. I wished you could come so I could hear your voice. But I guess it was never going to happen in the first place. I knew it from the beginning when you didn't message me back and I don't complain, I know it was my fault, everything is my fault. I have always loved you and I wished every single day that I could date you and have you near me. And I still have your presents, it's in my house. You know my address from the very beginning. If you want them, they are still waiting for you. I would be glad if you took them and opened it, but it won't happen because you're gone, you're not the only person who's gone now, now I'm gone too. I won't be here now asking "how are you?" "How is your life and family" no more of that. But I still have a little hope, if you see this, at least come to my funeral, even if I won't be alive I would be so happy that you came and visit me. I love you so very much, I wished you could come to me earlier, I wished you never left. I love you and I will always do even if I'm gone forever. Please take care of you, your family and especially your lovely little sister, Samantha. Yes, I still remember everything. I remember every single detail of you and your family. I also have pictures of you, everyday I look at them and I smile. I smile when I look at you, you're my happiness. I love you so much. Olive, I love you more than anything in this world, I love love love you. I hope you find someone you actually deserve <3 Good bye, Olive. See you in afterlife if there is some afterlife. I miss you."

"Fuck, no. Please why would you leave me." My tears didn't stop, i love her. I wish I could find you earlier, at least I would have been there for support.

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