Chapter 3: Miss Drugie

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Fefe's POV

In my phone, I have something that could change my life for the better. And destroy the lives of my enemies.

For some reason today, God decided to be on my side for the first time and led me to a great discovery.

Let's rewind back a bit.


I woke up in the morning, no sleep detected in my eyes, feeling like sewage garbage. That is because of the email Mrs.Mallory had sent me the other night. I feared for my life to the point where sleep didn't come to me.

I was a bit tempted to just skip school, but it wouldn't really do anything as Bella will just kill me the next day.

At school, I did my absolute best to avoid Alina and Bella. But I knew it wouldn't last long since I sat next to Bella in history. Lunch came and my stomach filled with dread as History was right after lunch.

I made my way to the rooftop, to eat my lunch and hide from Bella, since the bathroom was crowded. After a while, I heard some voices climbing up to the rooftop, and I heard Alina's voice among them. Crap.

I quickly hid behind another staircase, and held my breath as if the air had been contaminated. Since Alina was here, then Bella was probably with her too. I didn't even want to think about both of them ganging up on me.

They finally reached to the rooftop, laughing and having fun. I make out some other voices that were with Alina. I peeked out and saw Bella and Brandon with Chris and Alina. Bella was there quietly, as always, and Chris had his arm around Alina. Chris is the co-captain of the football team and Alina's boyfriend. Of course, he's just as nasty as Alina and Brandon.

I quickly ducked my head when Brandon glanced my way. He looked around to make sure there wasn't anyone else other than them. My jaw dropped when he pulled out a bag of substances which kinda looked like...weed??!

No Fucking Way.

Before you ask me why I know how weed looks like; my parents are veterans on alcohol and drugs. Weed was nothing compared to the other shit they inhaled.

Brandon swiftly grinds the weed with his fingers and filled it inside a hookah (I'm assuming that's what it was), lit it up and took one long drag from it. Then there was silence. I was crouched down with my hands covering my mouth, wondering what the hell I was witnessing.

The silence didn't last long and it was followed by Brandon coughing like a an old man on his deathbed, and Chris laughing like a hyena. Chris snatched the hookah from him and took a smoke himself and passed it on to Alina, who also passed it to Bella.

They kept on passing the hookah to each other for a bit, and that's when a brilliant idea came into my ginger head. I took out my phone out and recorded them from my spot. They didn't notice me but even if they did, they wouldn't be able to process it due to their high state.

After a good 5 minutes of catching them sinning on camera, I was satisfied enough and decided to sneak out. At this point, they didn't even notice me running past by them.

Except for Brandon. For a second I could've sworn that he made eye contact with me, but he just started laughing and went back to goofing around with the rest.

I let out a sigh of relief and quickly scurried off the stairs. He was probably too high to have known it was me.

Unfortunately, lunch had long passed and I was yet again late for history class. But I didn't mind when Ms.Mallory scolded and embarrassed me in front of the class. I didn't mind when she gave me detention after school. I also didn't mind the taunting and hateful stares I got from my classmates. I went to my seat with a huge smile on my face.

Miss Clicheحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن