Chapter 2: Oh shit

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Fefe's POV 

*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Someone was knocking at my front door.

But who could it be? The only visitor this house ever gets, is an angry landlord demanding late rent. 

I stood up from my bed and made my way to the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw a middle aged couple. I don't think I recognized them but they did seem harmless. So, I opened the door. Stranger Danger who?

"Hello there , young woman. We just moved here today!" The woman of the couple said. Oh so they are my new neighbours. That's actually very surprising since this apartment is so dusty and I didn't think anyone would move in.

"Hi, nice to meet you guys." I said, hoping they won't notice the smell coming from inside my apartment.

"How about you and your family join us for dinner this weekend, so we can get to know each other as neighbours!" The man of the couple offered, somehow oblivious to the stench.

Oh god no! Nope. Never. Nu-uh!!

"I'm not really sure-" 

"C'mon! We will be serving carrot cake!" The woman said, bribing me with food. If she really thought that it would work, then she was right lol.

"Okay fine. We'll see you there." I gave in, knowing fully I'd regret it later on.

"Oh joy! Well, goodbye for now, neighbour!" The woman said, attempting to wink, and left with her husband.

I shut the door and went back to my room. After a while, things started to sink in.

I basically decided to let my un-sober parents and I go to dinner at a random house, to make a fool out of ourselves.

What the hell did I just agree to?!


"Hey feces." Alina called out to me, while I was trying to hide from her. Yeah, I know. That is a very great nickname, isn't it? Ms.Genius (Alina) decided it was funny to call me feces (shit) instead of my original name, Fefe. But I also do think my actual name is stupid too. My parents were probably drunk when they named me.

Alina raised her hand towards me. From a different angle, you'd think she was about to give me a high five or pat my back. Lol no, she smacked the feces out of me. 

A bunched of students gawked my way and acted like nothing just happened. To them, nothing really did happen. It's no shock that the school's garbage is getting beat up. Like I said, no one cares about me in this school. Except Winter and Linda. But they aren't here to witness any of it.

After she smacked me, Alina sanitized her hands, looked me up and down, and walked away. Man, i really wanna drag that hoe down a pavement of lava.

I quickly ran down the halls, wanting to find the nearest hole to die in. It wasn't until then, that my face slammed into a brick wall. Well, it felt like a brick wall. 

Embarrassed as hell, I tried to pick up the books that fell from my bag. But then, someone grabbed one of them and handed back to me. I looked up and saw a beautiful hand holding my book. It seems that I actually bumped into someone, not a brick wall.

I took the book and got up. Oh shit. I realized who it was  as soon as I met his gaze.

The one and only, Brandon Ryans.

Captain of the football team and the most hottest boy at our school. Girls want to have him and guys want to be him. Even teachers admire him.

"Oh I..thanks-"

"Watch where you're going, stupid ginger." Brandon spat and left with his friends.

He's a jerk as well.


"Ok class, for this assignment, you will be working in pairs. You'll be working with your desk mates." Mrs.Mallory said, ignoring the complains of students who wanted to work with their besties on the other side of class.

I look towards my desk mate, and I'm met with a cold glare. Great, I'll be working with Bella Park. The second worse person after Alina.

Bella Park is Alina's best friend. Bella is more quiet and to herself, the polar opposite of Alina, which makes me wonder how they even became friends.

"Don't talk to me, look at me or even breath near my direction. Do your own part of the assignment and I'll do mine. Or else." With that, Bella turned away and got started on her work. 

Sheesh, she is so rude. But I wouldn't dare to find out what she meant by or else. She is much more terrifying than Alina. There is something off about her too, it's as if she means her threats and not to just scare me off. I wouldn't be shocked if Bella actually killed someone for breathing in her direction.

I turned around and got straight to my assignment. I didn't wanted to talk with her anyway.

After a while, everyone handed in their assignment and left the class.

I got straight home, after being dropped off by Winter and Linda. I needed to do something about the dinner with my neighbours this weekend. 

But of course, They were asleep without a care in the world. At this point, I'm better off without them.

I got some snacks from the kitchen and go to my room. I jump on my bed, grab my laptop and open Wattpad. 

I love reading Wattpad as I can pretty much relate to all the main characters. I sometimes wonder if I'm living a Wattpad story. Yeah right.

I received a notification from my inbox. I open it, and saw that it was from Mrs.Mallory. The subject was about the assignment we did earlier in class.

It read;

"On the history assignment we did in class earlier, I've marked it. It isn't a surprise that you got 47% on it. Since, it was a pair assignment, your partner's grade was also affected and had brought it down by 20%. I'm disappointed in you, Miss Kiwi.  -Mrs.Mallory"


Bella is literally gonna have my head tomorrow!


(1033 words)

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