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Author's POV

"I'm fine, my queen. No worries"

"I'm fine, my queen. No worries"

"I'm fine, my queen. No worries"

Flustered by the name that Taehyun had given to her, Yeji covered it up by chuckling at it. She wasn't flustered because she was shy, it was because Taehyun called her his queen. She found it funny yet adorable. Taehyun's face when calling her a queen was cute enough to make her flustered.

He looked like an absolute baby when he stared at her so dearly. That was why Taehyun felt hurt, she only see him as a baby brother. She kept babying him everytime she see him and he didn't like it. He didn't want Yeji to see him as a baby but a man. He wanted Yeji to see him as a gentleman.

"Alright if you say so. Let's meet our friends. They must have waited for us in the canteen"

Taehyun dragged Yeji to the canteen, away from the intense stares of their classmates, especially his fangirl who wouldn't stop watching their movement from the beginning of their convo. But Taehyun could care less about it, all he care was Yeji was now his though it was only for the night.

He didn't mind, he get to spend time with Yeji as he had wish for. His feelings for her wasn't mutual, but he would work as hard as he could to earn her love. He may acted like he was all innocent and adorable in front of her, but God knows better. Even Hana and Yeonjun does.

But it was his least of a concern since Yeonjun was now under the girl's control. That witch really had hypnotized the guy badly that it seemed like he was really madly in love with her. He took this opportunity to make his love fell for him genuinely. He want everything be genuine unlike Hana.

Only if he knew that she was his first and last love until obsession takes control of him.


"ENJOY, MY SISTERS AND BROTHERS!!!", Ni-ki shouted while thrusting his glass of grape juice to the air with the others followed him and slammed their glasses together.

They were at the canteen, but Ni-ki made it seemed like a party instead. But the elders didn't mind. He came all the way to the campus with Jungwon to visit them and they couldn't be more grateful for it.

"Wah!!! This juice is better than the one we had at our High, damn I didn't regret visiting here", Jungwon's word made the whole group laughed at him. He adorably puffed his cheeks with foods and the way he munched was like a bunny, it was no doubt that people would want to pinch his cheeks right away.

"Jungwon-ah, slow down! You'll choke if you drink that fast", Juwon warned as she looked at her boyfriend in worries. Juwon had come to join them along since her boyfriend had insisted her to. At first, she was confused why he was persistent until Jungwon told her about someone.

"Let him be, Juwon-ssi. If he ever choke, you can just give him a quick CPR!", Ni-ki jokingly wink at the couple who tried their best to hide their red faces. It wasn't like they never kiss before, but the mention of CPR brought back the time where Juwon and Jungwon first met. It was sweet and dramatic at the same time. And it led them what they were right then.

"Shut up! I know you feel single, go date Jung Rina if you wish to date someone!" Ni-ki made a disgusted face, rolling his eyes while resting his cheek on his fist. He turned to his sister who shrugged. The elder one smiled teasingly before took a bite of her sandwich.

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