Chapter 1

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(A/N i searched up the script)

It was a nice morning (idk), the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. You can see the Museum where a man in the front is looking at his (the thing he's holding in the movie)

Thomas: *sigh* last tour of the day. I wonder why nobody wants th-

He was cut off by a school bus that has the children that will be visiting the Museum. One of the children shoots a paper ball at the man

Thomas: *groans*

Luka: Bullseye

*Children laughing*

We see 5 children getting off the school bus. The shortest of them all said

Sasha: Hi super old guy!

And another child said

Sanjay: A museum, again?

Luka: Ugh, i hate stuff

Thomas: Oh boy

A beautiful lady came to the rescue

Beth: It's okay Thomas, i'll take them

Thomas: Uhh, are you sure? I think these are the detention kids

The child spat another paper ball at him

*Children cheering*

Beth: Don't worry, i can handle them. You go take your break

Thomas: Thanks

The man walks away from the scene. A child throws 3 paper balls at the lady and the lady blocks them with a tour guide sign

Beth: Follow me kids!

Children: *shock*

They walk to the Museum entrance door, but the lady walked to the right

Sanjay: Yo, lady! The museum door is that way!

Beth: Yes, it is, but you aren't like the other kids. Oh no no no, you need to see something special

Sasha: *giggle* (idk)

The lady points to a wall

Beth: Right threw that door

All: Huh?

Jane: You're seeing things lady

Beth: Am i? Or are you not seeing things?

The lady says while walking behind the wall

All: Wow

Beth: Come on

Sasha: *giggle*

The children follows the lady in the secret part of the Museum

Beth: Now today is November 2nd, does anyone here know why that is important?

Sasha: Taco Tuesday!

All: *laugh*

Beth: No

Jane: Gorge yourself on Halloween candy day?

Marbles falls out of one of the childrens mouth

Beth: Nope, today is the day of the dead

Luka: Wait, is that national zombie day or something?

All: *laugh*

An old man pops out of nowhere and scares the children

Old man: You can't go this way! You will get us both in trouble. Ancient rules of the uh, Museum administration

The lady pats the old man's head

Old man: Well, i suppose i could turn a blind eye, my-

The lady kisses his forehead

Old man: -dear

One of the children stays behind and the old man scares her away

Old man: *chuckle*

The lady rolls her eyes

Beth: Behold children, the glorious beauty of Mexico!

All: *shock*

The children inspects the place

Jane: This place is, loco

Sanjay: So many, skulls

???: At least that part isn't lame

Sasha walks up to a giant book

Sasha: Wow! What is this book?

Beth: That is the book of life, all the world is made of stories, and all of those stories are right here. This book holds many truths, some are actually true

Sasha: The battle of Cinco de Mayo?

Luka: Mayo! I love mayo!

All: *laugh*

Beth: And some, not so much

Luka: El Chupacabras, the legendary goat sucker? I have to get one

All: *laugh*

Beth: Now although you may doubt some of these stories, there is one thing that we know for certain, Mexico is the center of the Universe. And long ago in the center of Mexico was the quaint little town of San Angel

Kid: Churros! Churros!

A bird poops on the churros

Kid: Frosted churros!

Beth: Now naturally since San Angel was the center of the Universe, directly below it lay, the land of the remembered! A festive and magical place for those who live on in the memories of their loved ones

Sasha: *giggle*

Luka: Wow

Beth: And below that, lies the land of the forgotten. The sad and lonely destination for those poor souls who are no longer remembered

All: *sad*

Beth: But before I can properly begin our story, you need to meet the two magical rulers of these realms

Sasha: Who is that?

Beth: That is La Muerte, she is made out of sweet sugar candy

Luka: She's so, pretty

Beth: She is isn't she? She loves all mankind and believes that their hearts are pure and true. And that is Xibalba, that charming rascal thinks mankind is not so pure, just like him

Sasha: He looks spooky

Beth: Yes, he's made out of tar and everything icky in the world

Luka: He's so, pretty

All: *laugh*

Jane: Uh, what about the weirdo with the beardo?

Beth: *chuckle* that is the Candle Maker, he keeps everything in balance. He's made out of was and has a beard full of clouds

Luka: Clouds?

All: *giggle*

Sanjay: what about the guy that looks like La Muerte?

Beth: That is La Muerte's brother, Marco Cuervo, he plans the parties and build the houses in the land of the remembered. He is made out of sweet sugar candy, just like his sister

Luka: (idk anymore)

Beth: Alright, let me show you something else

Beth opens up a chest that is full of wooden dolls

Beth: All of these wooden figures here represent real people in our story, just like you and me

All: Wow

Beth: And so our tale begins, on the day the people of Mexico call, the day of the dead

Zooms in on a picture

Joaquin: No retreat

Manolo: No surrender!

All: *cheering*

Chapter 1 Finished

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