🍃High Enough [Fluff]🍃

135 7 10

TW (Trigger Warning):
•Getting high
•Spiked drinks
•Mention of cops
•Narcolepsy/Sleep attack


The music blasted through the speakers and shook the walls. Georgia's head was pulsing from the illegible lyrics and the loud bass. Covering his ears with a pillow was a pointless attempt at getting some peace and quiet enough to sleep. Georgia ended up sitting up and throwing his pillow to the floor.

I swear to fucking god Pennsylvania.

He was only in boxers and a loose T-shirt when he had his hand on the knob of his door. He froze for a moment, and groaned as he walked over to his dresser to put on sweatpants.

He walked out the door and immediately found a drunk woman almost throw herself onto him.

"Uhh- yeah hi- how about you just go over here, yeah?" He gently pushed her into a direction away from his room, before letting out a deep sigh and locking his door.

The music- damnit, the music. It was too damn loud.

The southern state held his ears with his patchy palms as he walked down the stairs of his and Pennsylvania's two story apartment.

Sharing an apartment with one of the most obnoxiously loud northern states- yeah super smart idea past Georgia. Real nice.

Georgia shook his head, and pulled himself from his thoughts as he looked over the sea of people holding alcoholic drinks and dancing to music. The lights flickered and flashed every color, and he momentarily debated whether or not to use a hand to cover his eyes or his ears.

He ended up slowly taking both hands off his ears and tried to get used to the new, loud environment.

Well if I wasn't already, I'm definitely awake now.

Then, he saw him. The taller state with a half zipped jacket and a backwards snap-back pouring himself another, probably alcoholic, drink.

The shorter state stormed over to him and glared.

"Oh heyyy Geo! Wanna join the party, huh?" Pennsylvania asked, with a dumb grin. Georgia just glared more.

"You couldn't go one night without inviting god knows how many people home and get drunk?!" Georgia stomped his foot, throwing a little tired fit. Pennsylvania simply chuckled at the frustrated state.

"UGH you're insufferable." Georgia threw his arms into the air, but before his arms could rest back at his sides, the drunk state grabbed his arm and pulled him into the homemade mosh-pit that sat in the middle of the living room.

After a bit of pushing and shoving and screaming, Georgia had enough. He somehow made his way out of the quicksand-like dance circle, now with messed up hair and a shirt half off his shoulder. And he almost swore he saw Pennsylvania looking down at his exposed chest.

The un-bothered state smiled and turned to grab a cup of a drink that he hadn't gotten the chance to try yet, but to his surprise, when he turned around to meet the other, the now furious state furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed the drink right out of Pennsylvania's hands. And even more surprising, started to chug the mysterious drink.

What was he expecting? Well he was expecting to taste the sting of alcohol, maybe rum and coke, or maybe some beer, but instead what he tasted was strangely- herby?

Georgia cringed as the taste bounced around in his mouth. Pennsylvania, on the other hand, gasped a small chuckle as his eyes went wide and his hands flung over his mouth.

A Penny For Your Thoughts? | Georgia x Pennsylvania [Angst & Fluff]Where stories live. Discover now