Chapter 44

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Arnav and Kushi are driving back home after her appointment with the Doctor. Kushi was unusually very silent. Arnav thought that may be she is a bit week without knowing that she had a hope of being pregnant. Their Doctor declared that Kushi got a viral infection and nothing else and she needs some rest.

Arnav was relieved to know that, they are not expecting. He felt as if someone has pulled him into a pool of ice since yesterday. After hearing her reports he got composed.

He decided to speak with her about this. After all for how long he can keep this talk aside ? One of the other day he have to discuss about this and he decided to do that very soon.

As they reached home, Arnav informed to Nani that Kushi had a small infection and she is fine now. Though Nani and Mami got upset they didn't show it to them.

Kushi laid back on the bed. She was literally expecting a positive result...... But not everytime all gets fortune enough.

It was night.

Kushi was fine. It was night and everyone has retired to sleep. Even Arnav slept. She wanted to listen some nice music, so she came to the poolside and switched on the music player that Arnav has gifted her the last month.

Old song playlist started playing. Kushi laid there smiling. May be now she is not pregnant...... But this incident has given her a new frame to imagine. A new picture to envision.

She, along with her Darling husband and sweet sa bacha....... A small version of her Arnav ji. Cute and Chubby Teddy bear like kiddo of theirs. And that imagination itself enough for her to smile wide. One or the other day it will happen right ?

She smiled seeing the Moon that is shining bright with the stars glittering all over the sky. She caressed her tummy imagining herself with a big baby bump and chuckled.

After few minutes she went inside and saw that Arnav was sleeping hugging the pillow. She sat beside him and ruffled his hair and chuckled imagining a small version of him. Bending down she kissed on his cheek.

Kushi - My cute Laadgovernor......

And untangling the pillow she slowly laid beside him and wrapped his arms around her snuggling to him and slept hearing his heart beats.

Like this few more months passed away -

It was one fine day when Arnav and Kushi are strolling inside the production area. When they saw a heavily pregnant woman sitting in their production area.

Arnav frowned and went near her - Who the hell is in charge of this area ?

The lady immediately stood up seeing her Boss. A man of mid thirties came there running. The lady frowned in confusion.

Arnav - what the crap is going on in this factory ? Why is she sitting here ?

The lady gulped while Kushi held his hands trying to control his high voice. The lady got tears in her eyes thinking that her boss is shouting because she was resting a bit.

Lady - Sorry sir. It's my mistake. I won't repeat this again.

Arnav - Repeat... My foot.....

Kushi - Arnav ji..... She is pregnant and was resting a bit. There is no harm.

Arnav frowned shaking his head - No harm ?

The whole production area stopped the work watching their boss shouting.

Incharge - Sorry sir. She was pregnant and couldn't stand for long time. She asked permission to rest. There was no fan in downstairs resting room. So only I asked her to sit here.

Mere Mitwa...(By Anjanaa)Where stories live. Discover now