theory 1 disbilities

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As we know Dashi likes a lot of stuff so I'm thinking that she has ADHD since all the time she gets really excited about seeing something new which normally causes her to get into Danger ( remember Idk if this is true)

(Tweak) ( just because she's my favorite does it mean I have one for her)
I think she has two Disabilities (ADHD and Ausitm) I say this because she is not like Dashi in any way at all and her voice can sometimes not be made out and for ADHd she gets really excited when making the Gups and they get done so quickly but for everything else it takes longer now why is this? Well maybe it's because she's more excited about making the Gups and not so excited about fixing any problem ( but she does it anyway and another reason why she might have it it's because she gets along with Dashi and Peso the best and if Dashi has it then it might make sense as why they are good friends

(could be wrong) now you're probably wondering why I put Peso too well we all know he does not get crazy when he's excited but... He hardly Talks and when he does it is hard to hear what he said and if you search up signs of autism what it says is not talkin is one so that's probably why they're good friends too ( another thing that could be wrong)

(However as for the others I don't think they have disabilities because Captain is fine talking to anyone and he does not get crazy excited and same goes with the others well except for Kwazii but the reason why I didn't put him up here is because Pirates usually getting very excited when trying to find treasure and since he used to be a pirate he may be trying to use that in their Adventures/ Rescues ( but I think he does have it because he seems to get more excited about this than his granddad he is a pirate as well and if his pirate stuff doesn't explain this then he must have ADAH also might explain why he's also good friends with Tweak because if she has it that it makes sense for him to have it too)

( remember you don't have that the same opinion)

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