Chapter 26

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One of my forever favorite music artists I grew up listening to is my idol the wonderful Don Henley

Don have inspired me in so many ways growing up and over the years

Don inspired me to be strong inside and out he inspired me to learn how to forgive and to be kind and loving

He inspires me musically, Lyrically as well

His music have made a huge impact on me from all the ups and downs in my life

His music have helped me overcome the pain of all the bullying I went through and the cyber bullying I went through

His music have helped me overcome the emotional pain of when I was Raped, the times I was sexually assaulted and when I was dealing with Domestic Violence.

His music have helped tremendously when I am having hard times when I am dealing with my genetic disease and my HS

When I am in the hospital hearing Don music helps me feel happy when I am getting my treatments done

His music also makes me feel calm when I am receiving my IKL injections as well for my HS.

Don music have helped me be able to accept my disabilities and my medical conditions

Don will always and forever be my idol

I am forever thankful and grateful that my mother introduced me to Don when I was a baby

I am forever thankful and grateful that my mother introduced me to Don when I was a baby

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