Chapter 3

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Four days ago, Bella and her twin were graduating. Excited to start a new chapter of their lives.

'Four days later and I'm now planning her funeral,' Bella thought as she wiped another round of tears away. Bella was currently sitting on a cream-colored two-seater lounge in the Cullen's living room. She had forgotten how clinical the space was. White tile floors, cream-colored lounges, a white oak coffee table, and a silver rug. It felt very much like she was sitting in a doctor's reception rather than a family living room.

'It is near Carlisle's office so perhaps it does sometimes double as a reception area,' Bella's mind wondered off as the vampires around her discussed the best way to approach the situation. The vampires were mindful to keep their voices low enough that Bella couldn't hear what they were saying and she was extremely grateful for this.

It was the same when Lottie first went missing. The wolves and the vampires agreed it best to keep the situation under wraps. Human law enforcement would be completely useless in this situation, which was agreed upon by all supernatural creatures. To prevent Charlie from worrying, the Cullen's, with the permission of the pack, moved the damaged truck back to their place while they worked on a plan to rescue Lottie.

After much discussion amongst the Cullen's, the cover story was that Bella and Lottie would be joining the Cullen family for a spontaneous camping trip for a week as a graduation present. Bella didn't know where she managed to find the strength, but she somehow managed to keep herself together on the phone when telling her dad.

When Bella called Charlie later that night to tell him about the week-long camping trip, he was extremely hesitant to agree. Bella felt horrible doing it but she tugged on her dad's heartstrings by saying Lottie was absolutely devastated from her run-in with the boys and wanted to get away for a bit to regroup. Her dad then demanded to talk to Lottie wanting to know what happened on the reserve, but Bella was able to convince him that Lottie was too upset to talk about it. 

It was only then that Charlie agreed to let the girls go camping for the week on the condition they would check in every day. Bella readily agreed. Lottie should have been sitting next to her right now, helping her plan her wedding to Edward.

"Bella," her name was called, shaking her from her thoughts. Edward stood in front of her, his family stood close behind.

Bella cleared her throat, "What's the plan?".


Four days prior - Lottie and Bella's Graduation Day

"Holy crap," I whispered as Bella and I pulled up at Forks High School in our red truck for the last time, "I think I'm going to be sick". I parked the car and took another deep breath.

'Oh yeah,' I thought, 'Definitely being to be sick before the day is out. I'm only graduating for heaven's sake! Why am I so nervous?'.

Bella placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and gave it a supportive squeeze, "Just think, I'm the one more likely to embarrass myself by falling over on stage".

I groaned and rested my head on the steering wheel, "That's if I don't throw up on the principal". Bella chuckled slightly, "They'll be grateful to see the end of the Swan sisters". I chuckled in agreement with that...particularly if I did end up throwing up from nerves and Bella broke a leg on stage. Yep, the teachers would be grateful to see the back of us.

'Gosh, the boys would cause a bigger scene with how much they would laugh,' I thought before frowning. It had been weeks and I still had no luck getting them to talk to me. Bella must have noticed my change in mood.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐲Where stories live. Discover now