Chapter 2

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I pulled my trusty red truck up at the Black residences and grinned when I saw three teenagers come racing out of the garage. I switched the engine off and only just managed to get my seat belt off before the driver's seat car door was thrown open and a pair of arms wrapped around my arm.

"Hey," I squealed as I was tugged out of the car and engulfed into a hug, "Good to see you too Em".

"Ha," he cheered and continued to squeeze the life out of me, "The other suckers were too slow so no hugs for them".

"That's because you tripped us," Quil scoffed and wrestled Embry's arms off me, "Run Lottie!". I quickly climbed back into the truck and grabbed my handbag before closing the door. I locked

the truck and couldn't stop laughing as Embry and Quil wrestled each other onto the ground.

"Race you to the garage Jake," I yelled and took off running.

"The last one back has to clean the garage down!" I called out over my shoulder to Em and Quil.

'Oh shit,' I thought when I saw how close Jacob was before he easily overtook me. Jacob and I sprinted the reminder of the distance and I almost collapsed afterwards trying to keep up with him. I walked over to the desk and dumped my handbag down with the car keys down on top, still out of breath.

The garage wasn't really a garage. It was a separate extension of the Black household and was really a massive shed. There was a chillout zone to the right of the entry that had four bean bags, a TV, and a small coffee table. Quil had recently managed to get a gaming console and so far, I had been completely destroyed at Mario Kart. However, I was determined that with lots of practice (and maybe some sabotage), I would beat them one day. The other side had a small work desk that was only sometimes used if one of us had homework that needed to be done. The reminder of the wall passed the work desk had various tools hanging from it. The other side had several shelves that went from floor to ceiling and housed numerous car parts that we gathered. What however was the current apple of all our eyes was the beautiful, partly restored car taking up most of the space towards the back of the shed. At present, it has an old bed sheet over it.

"I don't remember you ever being that fast," I panted trying to catch my breath. Jacob laughed as he ruffled my hair.

I scoffed in annoyance and batted his hand away, "Do you know how long I spent doing it this morning?".

Jacob snorted, "Two minutes if that. It's just a ponytail. I have sisters Lottie. You don't fool me".

"...look you're not wrong but it's such a pain trying to redo it in this weather," I laughed as I pulled my hair tie out and redid my ponytail. I never knew how Bella survived with her hair down all the time. While my hair wasn't overly wavy, it was enough that it got annoying real fast hanging in front of my face all the time.

"I don't think I've ever seen them move so fast before," Jake laughed as we both watched Embry and Quil sprint as fast as they could to the garage. Quil stuck his foot out and howled with laughter as Embry took a swan dive into the ground.

Quil danced the remainder of the way into the garage, "Sucker! Embry's on clean up".

Jake pulled Quil into a headlock and ruffled his hair, "That's because Q played dirty".

"Oh," I chirped up, "I completely forgot, because someone pulled me out of the car before I could get them, but I baked those caramel cupcakes that you all seem to love". It was almost comical how the boys snapped their heads at me. Jacob tossed Quil away and grabbed the keys sitting on my bag.

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