Chapter 8

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When their lips met, Nico could feel his body sing again. He almost whimpered at how familiar it felt. His mouth seemed to slot against the god's like they were made for each other.

Anubis let out a surprised sound against his lips. His body had gone stiff, and Nico was worried he'd read this all wrong. He started to pull away, but was stopped by a hand on his jaw yanking him back into the kiss. Nico opened his eyes for a second on instinct at the movement, and saw the other's closed eyes, eyebrows scrunched (gods, he was cute).

Nico breathed through his nose as he pressed closer. His hands made their way to Anubis' shoulders, resting them there.

He tilted his head, aiming for a better angle. The god sighed, his arms tightening their hold on him.

Nico's fingers slipped up into Anubis' hair (it felt way too soft to be legal). The god hummed against his lips before he pulled back slightly.

Anubis licked his lips, a furious blush dusting his cheeks. "Not that I'm complaining, but what's happening?"

Nico licked his own lips, noticing how puffy they were. "Pretty sure I was kissing you."

Anubis' eyes flickered down to his lips and he licke his own again. "I was aware of that."

Nico kissed him again.

Anubis pressed into him. Nico relished the tiny sound the god let out as he flicked his tongue against his upper lip.

"Shit," Anubis mumbled, his voice rasping. He kissed Nico again, with fervor. He all but pulled Nico into his lap on the bench, making the demigod squeak.

Their kissing had turned to open-mouth kisses. Nico felt their teeth clack together. He smiled at that. Anubis ended up kissing his teeth.

The god pulled back. "It's hard to kiss you when you're smiling."

Nico laughed at that, but it soon turned into a gasp when the other started kissing down his neck instead. Nico gripped Anubis' hair. "Dios mio..."

Anubis grinned against his skin.

Nico's fingers were carding through the other's hair when a thought struck him. He pulled Anubis back from his neck. "I know how we can find a rainbow."

The god's face brightened. "How?"



Iris proved extremely helpful (albeit a little teasing about Nico's predicament. He had a sneaking suspicion that it was mostly about his probably obvious crush). She had given them a location of a rainbow, and Nico had thanked her immensely.

Nico shadow-travelled to the spot where Iris had told them about.

He saw the rainbow high in the sky.

"So, we just follow this to the end?" Nico wondered.

"I guess so."

Nico shrugged as he started walking to where he supposed the end of the rainbow was.

They were both quiet for a second. Nico couldn't help but think about what had just happened between them. How the god's lips had felt, how it felt so safe to be pressed close to him.

He heard Anubis groan in his head. "You're making it kind of hard to focus on our surroundings."

Nico's face flushed. "Sorry, it's just a bit thought-consuming..."

Anubis chuckled that stupid chuckle of his (wait, he was allowed to think it was cute now). "Sorry for being so cute."

"Stop hearing my thoughts!"

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